Taro Broke My Fall

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Ayano groaned and stood up but fell back down. "OUCH!" Someone yelled as she landed on them, she looked down and blushed. "I am so SO sorry!" She apologized. "N-No it's my fault." He said breathlessly, Sumire walked out and stared at them. "Are you okay Ayano~Chan?" "I'm okay, this guy broke my fall." "That guy has a name, his name is Taro, now you best get to class the both of you." Sumire said shooing them away.

The pair walked side by side on their way to class in silence, neither said a thing to the other, when the pair were ready to split up and head to their own class only Taro spoke. "I'll see you later then?" Before heading off, Ayano stared after him in silence before breathing a sigh of relief as she continued on to her class.

Nothing interesting really happened during class, Budo spotted the girl he met that morning in a seat a few rows behind him and waved a hand at her, she didn't even react to him.

Sorry if the chapter is short.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2019 ⏰

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