Chapter 1

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My name is (y/n). Sadly, I live in the zombie apocalypse. I have no idea how long it's been, but it's been a while. I work alone, and not to brag, but I'm pretty damn good at it.

I usually roam place to place, getting supplies and what not. However, I've found a nice little mansion with food, water, etc. So now I just chill here. Of course, there are zombies i have to kill every once in a while.

Now, these zombies are just regular zombies. They're slow, rotting corpses. They're easy to kill and out smart. There's this one corpse that comes and goes, though. She must have been a cheerleader or something when she was alive. She would've been just my type. If she were alive, of course. Though, the way she looks at me is very... alive like. Maybe I'm just going crazy. I have been alone for awhile.

On a regular day like today, I fall asleep wherever and whenever I want.

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