A Turn in the Void

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 The train begins to slow down as we pull up to one of the last stops before we are completely isolated for a whole day. We get a knock on the door of the booth. "Come in!" I say. Sara enters the booth with a smile on her face. "Hi! How are you?" I ask her before going into a hug with her. Laura quietly waves at her and rests her eyes.

Sara begins to tell me about her traveling experience. "The scenery here was just so beautiful. Taking long walks ad listening to music was such a majestic experience." she tells me. The train has departed from the station and is finally on its way to Blue City.

Loud screaming and rustling comes from the booth next to ours. I jump out of my seat and run to the booth as fast as I can. Sara and Laura follow after me but keep a distance. When we arrive at the booth there she lies. Lana lies on the floor, covered in blood. I shy away from the horrible scene. Trying to get a hold of myself. Quentin, one of the security guards on the train came running to the scene.

His eyes widen at the sight of Lana laying there. He closes the door and locks it until further inspection. "Come with me to the Lounge, please." Quentin says to us. We all follow him steadily. Laura's anxiety couldn't be worse, I felt so bad for her. I wanted to comfort her as best as I could but we have to wait. Sara was silent on the situation but obviously disturbed.

We enter the Lounge, where all of the passengers are rounded up. Monty enters the Lounge car. The Express is being controlled by one of the other conductors. Monty calls for attention on him. "It has come to my attention that there has been a murder here on the Blue Express. We have no choice but to investigate the crime." Monty says.

Mumbling and murmurs can be heard throughout the car. "For now, all of you are advised to stay alert at all times and I'll have security be stationed all throughout the cars more efficiently." Monty adds on. Axel and Mahdi turn to each other. Ashleigh seems unbothered, really, but clearly pretends to be in shock.

In the corner of the room, I see Xenon and Mikaylah whispering about something. Everything about this trip so far seems off. "Someone in this car is the murderer and we have yet to figure it out." Sara says to me.

"Wait, where's Norbert?" Laura asks, looking around the room. I look around the car and there's no sign of Norbert. Monty dismisses all of us and asks us to head back to our booth. Laura makes her way to the booth, as does Sara. I walk over to Mikaylah. "Hey, Do you want to come hang in the booth with us?" I ask her, hoping to distract myself from this insane afternoon. She nods and follows me back to the booth.

Her and I enter the booth and Laura stares at me. "Caleb, can I talk to you?" Laura asks me, pulling me outside of the booth. "Are you insane?" she says. I look at her confused, what is she talking about. "Inviting strangers into the booth right after there was a murder?" she says aggressively, raising her tone. I finally realize what she means. I apologize to her, "Sorry. I just thought we could use another friend and have some fun?"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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