Chapter 4: This Ain't A Room Full Of Suicide

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thank you for the 6 votes!!!! im getting shit rolling with this story!!!! it may seem slow now, but i have an idea of the direction of the story. right now in my mind there will be two full length songs in here, you'll see how theyre used :) uhm theres a character in this chapter. the "bully" Tony. i used the name Tony because it means something to me. He's a friend of mine. but, he's done a lot to me. because i dont know you guys personally im gonna say this. I have tried to commit suicide four times. three times because of him. we dated and i was in an abusive relationship with him. he told me how wonderful i was one day and then the next told me, that i was a horrible person and the only reason he stays with me is cuz he doesnt want me to pollute the world. i had to put my writing aside. he hated my creativity. he hated my music. i went through a large depression. the black parade inspired me to break up with him and i guess drop the razor, you know? i broke up with him in June, and im recovering thanks to MCR so, i decided to add Tony to the story because, he used to , make fun of me because of the scars on my wrists, and he used to call me "the little emo" so just a little background info :3 sorry to get all awkward haha

Chapter $: This Ain't A Room Full Of Suicide

Frank slammed the door on the way out of the hell hole of his house. School. The morning after the incident. Should he seek out Gerard? Is it worth it? He was so conflicted.

“Oh the little emo, is walking all alone? No girly friend to protect you this time?” a low voice said behind him. The breath stank. Bad, like someone decided never to buy a toothbrush. Frank knew who it was.

“Just, go the fuck away Tony. Nobody cares about what a caveman has to say.” Frank muttered.

“Oh, so I see he’s gotten a little feisty? Ah well, Sandra was really good last night, just thought I’d let you know.” Tony said while kicking and scuffing Frank’s new shiny black Doc Martens.

Frank fell to the ground.

“Well I just ought to fucking…”

“What, you little emo scum, did you just say something? Or was it covered by the sound of you cutting?”

That pissed Frank off. Frank took the knife out of his back pocket, and flicked it open.

“No! Bro! No!” a random voice shouted.

Frank felt a hand grab his wrist and he was being rushed out of the situation. All Frank saw was golden brown hair. But the voice sounded familiar. Did he know this person? And why would they care? He was just the lowly “emo” after all. He was being rushed behind the school, right by the dumpsters.

“Dude what the fu--“Frank started to say, when he saw who it was. He looked so familiar, but so different.

“Man, who are you?” Frank asked softly.

“Uhm, I’m Mikey. Mikey Way. Can I just say that you should thank me? I saved you from a fucking death wish back there. But, yeah uhm I better go and…”

“You’re Gerard’s brother right?”

“You know Gerard? You’re another one of them. Ugh. Always making fun of my brother for the way he is. It isn’t his frikkin fault! He likes guys okay?! It isn’t a bad thing! I shouldn’t have saved you, loser.”

“Mikey! No! Gerard, uhm, saved my life last night.”

“Saved, you? Ha! The Way Brothers… would be a good name for two superheroes… saving the lives of teenagers everywhere.” Mikey mulled it over while shuffling.

“Mikey, I have to go; I really don’t feel like getting into anymore trouble. Say hi to Gerard, will you?”

Mikey just nodded his head and walked away.

Frank tried to turn around but was blocked by someone.

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