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"Welcome to McDonald's and here you are again."
Y/N grumble under her breath at the sight of him again
for the fourth time that week.
Does the guy not have a job or something?

She will be lying if she say that the night they walked home together
she didn't feel a slight safe with him.
He was actually very warming towards her which she finds odd. 

Oh Hana what have you told this guy about me?

"Actually I won't be ordering anything today but instead I would like to order you out to go or more like ask you out tonight. So are you free for the night?"
The blonde guy from before, who she now know is Bang Chan,
said as he lean his figure against the counter in front of her.

Standing there, looking into his eyes, in utter shock. Y/N was at loss for words.

She don't know whether he was being weird or just asking her on a friendly date.

Just who comes to McDonald to ask out someone for a date?

Very smooth.

"I guess I'll be free tonight. It is the weekend tomorrow and it's my day off so sure. Tonight is fine with me." She answer briefly and immediately his eyes lit up.

"See you at the party."

McDonald's - Bang Chan ✔Where stories live. Discover now