Outro: Big Mac

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Holding one another in each others arms, feeling their faint heartbeat in ones chest, Chan finally sigh in relief.

"So, if one day i appear at McDonald's again will you give me a good answer?"

"Depend on what kind?"

"McDonald's creates a date. How about a wedding next time?" He half joke.

"Boy if you dont----"

"Finally!" A male voice jumps in startling the two of them.

They both turn around to look.
Minho was standing at the doorside along with Hana and her brother.

All of them wore a smirk on their faces.

"So, when's the next order coming up?" Minho joke, "because I'm sure Chan would like to order another big Mac... if you know what i mean."

At that moment Chan threw a empty plastic cup at him, receiving slaughters from the others.

"You should really come over. Chan can cook. You'll like his food." Hana chuckles.

Y/N pouts at her friend.

"Yeah and he has his own kitchen where he claims it to be 'Chan's Kitchen'!" Jisung adds in.

Then minho breaks in again, "You know what they do in Chan's kitchen?"

"If you can take that whole big Mac then i assume u can take big dick---"

Chan wraps his arms around his friend's neck, "I swear you're really annoying!"

And so they ended their night at that party with lots of laughter.

Who would've knew that McDonald's could not only bring smiling faces but new faces as well.


Okayyy maybe this didn't make any sense but I've had this is my drafts for so long so i have to publish it.

Thank you again!

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