Ich liebe Dich (A Yandere Henrik x Reader) (G/T)

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You were looking at the notice that was saved on your phone as you approached the place supposedly in question, the notice had said something about this... Doctor Schneeplestein? ...You think that was his name, however apparently he wanted to test on tiny subjects like yourself only minus the dissections, and or harmful things in general, he was a man of science, a curious yet respectful man supposedly... You had talked to him for a bit, to tell him you were coming over and basic things and overall he seemed very nice!

You made your way inside, of course it was rather difficult given your size, luckily enough the doctor was expecting you it seemed, he was practically right there waiting, he must've been anxious because given your size someone could accidentally step on you, or worse... Either way, he stood up and smiled pleasantly at you "Ah! Hallo und vwelcome! You must be (Y/N), correct?"

You immediately nodded "Yeah! That'd be me! I uh, wish you could've just came and found me but... I... don't think that'd have been a good idea, I was sorta... hiding somewhere a little far from here, you know how it is for us I'm assuming?" And to that the doctor nodded "Ah of course, its a dangerous vworld fo' you tiny beings... Anyvways are you ready to get started or do you have any questions beforehand? Any potential concerns vwith zhese experiments?"

You thought for a moment before nodding "Well... You... You stated that no harm would be done, correct? You won't try to cut into me, or anything like that?" Well... that seemed to have offended him actually, he immediately shook his head "No, zhere vwill be no dissections, or anything that vwill cause pain, just some simple tests to see how your body vworks to put it in simple terms, und don't vworry you vwon't be treated like a little lab rat eizher" He assured, beginning to try and adjust his glasses as he waited for your response.

You nodded at his words and relaxed a little "Okay... That...That's good, just so long as you don't want to cause me any harm, I...I mean its not that I don't trust you of course it's... just..." He cut you off before you could finish "(Y/N)... I understand, you are simply concerned fo' your vwell being, concerned fo' your health und safety, its perfectly natural however I promise you, zat I have no intentions to cause you any bodily harm" He finished, giving you a pleasant smile.

You smiled back at him "Good... Uh, I think I'm ready to get started now if you are Doctor Schneeplestein!" The Doctor chuckled slightly "You may call me Henrik if you vwish, zhere's no need fo' such formalities" You nodded once more "Okay Henrik!" After that, it seemed to take the doctor a few minutes before awkwardly clearing his throat "Ah, I... uh, do you mind if I scoop you up? Or vwould you prefer to just vwalk into my hands?" You took a few minutes to contemplate before deciding... "I would... rather walk into your hands"

Henrik nodded and held his hands down, waiting patiently, you then hesitantly stepped forwards and stumbled your way onto his hands and looked up at him, then you looked down at his hands as they began lifting you up, you took notice of just how large his hands were... Henrik blinked as he slowly lifted you up towards his chest, he was just so fascinated with how small you were compared to him, and to feel your warmth in his palm... He needed to focus, there was no time for this nonsense!

Once he lifted you up to his chest and made sure you couldn't fall, he carried you off towards his lab, he kept looking down towards you, to make sure you were still alright, he finally seemed to make it to the room he had planned to go in and closed the door behind him, he then walked over to the desk and sat you down as carefully as possible "Vwait here... I need to get some of my tools, nothing dangerous of course, just some simple sings fo' ze tests"

You nodded and watched as he left, and now you were alone... You looked at your surroundings, it honestly just looked like a normal lab, it looked very... Doctor-y? ...Well, that was honestly the best way you could describe it, it was honestly getting a bit uncomfortable after awhile, how many things did he need for this...? Finally after what felt like an eternity, he came back with some of his tools.

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