Carson x Josh

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Hey so i got about 140 words in then stopped, now i'm here a two months later, not remembering where i was going with this, so this one may be shit.

Josh's POV

I can't deal with this fucking group anymore.

I swear it's their life mission to piss me off and make me angry, then proceed to make fun of me, and ask why i was so mad.

I know I get mad a lot but I don't expect the shit I get to carry on to the extent that it does.

The others aren't so good at noticing when they've gone too far, but Carson always manages to pick up on it straight away and tries to put a stop to it.

This time was different though. I wasn't getting as angry as I usually do.

Well that's not true, I was just as angry, I just didn't seem to be showing it. Which was why the mocking didn't stop. All i did was sit here quietly, while they baby rage me.

Despite all of the stuff that's been happening, i hope it doesn't effect tomorrow's turn out.

I'm heading over to Carson's, Coopers and Travis' tomorrow late afternoon. I doubt that they'd remember but the day after is my birthday.

Carson's POV

Josh is coming over to our tomorrow. It's great. I'm really excited to see him.

I'm not gonna lie, i'm really fucking scared.

I've met all the boys before, even Josh. But since my last encounter with Josh, i started to develop some uncalled for feelings towards the man. Feelings that I couldn't fully comprehend.

And what makes my dilemma so much more problematic is the situation i put myself in today. I was being a dick to Josh, more so than usual.

I normally know when to stop with the jokes towards Josh, but today's stream was different. He didn't get mad, so we just kept going.

After my stream finished I tried to come up with ideas to make it up to Josh tomorrow when i see him. All my ideas were shitty, so i had to ask for some help.

I walked downstairs to where Cooper and Travis were sitting in the sofa watching T.V.

"Hey," i started, "i need some help."

"POGGERS- Yea what's up?" Cooper replied.
Travis turned around and looked at me too.

"What do you do when you like someone?" I say quietly.

"WAH, i dunno i like everyone." Travis responded. Both me and Cooper laughed at what Travis had said.

"Well, i have no fucking idea, tell me when you find out though." Cooper turned back around to what he was watching.

"You guys are fucking useless." i too, turn back around and walk up the stairs. Half way up my trek, Travis seemed to have caught on to what i said, "WAH IM NOT USELESS." "Yea your not, now back to the show-"

I make my way into my room and seat myself in front of my computer. The sound of a discord notification rings through my room, making me notice my headphones aren't plugged in.

The message was one from Josh.

Yo i may be at your house a bit late, i'll pick up some food for dinner tho.

Travis and Cooper won't be here for dinner so it'll just be us. If that's ok

Still Carson's POV (3rd perspective)

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