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I left my house earlier than I usually would that next morning so I could avoid my Dad. He was asleep on the couch when I left and he would probably stay that way for most of the day before he woke up and started drinking again. I knew it was only a matter of time before he snaps and all of his anger is channelled into one beating.

I was walking to school extra slow today because I was early enough as it is, and I noticed that the Fuentes' house was on the route I walked. Vic's car was still parked in the driveway so I knew they hadn't left yet, unless they decided to walk. I kept on walking, not wanting to run into Vic at all.

When I finally got to school there wasn't that many people there, but there was still quite a few. I had a while left until class so I awkwardly leant against my locker and finished my math homework which I didn't do last night. The halls got louder and louder as the minutes went by and then randomly they went quiet. I looked up to see what was going on. Across from me was Vic, Jaime and Tony. They were talking to a boy who looked a couple of years younger than me. I don't know what he did wrong, but I know that he's Vic's target for the day. Vic opened the same locker he locked me in on my first day here. I memorized the numbers he used; 20-8-3. I have no idea whose locker it was or why Vic had the combo for it.

"Get in." Vic said to the boy and pointed at the locker. The boy did as he was told without any hesitation. Vic slammed the door shut, laughed with his buddies, and then the hall went back to normal, everyone doing what they usually did before class. I felt sorry for the kid because I know what it's like in there. It's dark and cramped, and if he was anything like me then he'd probably be panicking, thinking that no one will let him out.

I knew I would get myself into some trouble because of what I was going to do next, but I did it anyway. I went over to the locker and after trying the combo three times I finally got it and opened it.

"Get out of here." I said to the kid. He looked scared, but he scampered away quickly anyway. When I turned around Vic was standing there with his arms crossed.

"You're just asking for trouble, aren't you?" He asked with an annoyed, yet amused look in his eyes.

"Someone has to stand up for the little guy." I said softly. I was trying not to give too much attitude. He said we were even but I've probably just ruined that now.

"Follow me." He ordered and walked off. His friends didn't follow and neither did anyone else to see what he was going to do to me. I considered not going but if I didn't go then it would only make things worse. I may as well get this over with quickly. So I followed him down a few halls until we walked through a locker room and finally into the school's indoor pool.

"Why do you do that?" Vic's voice echoed throughout the large, deserted pool room. I followed him until he turned to face me. We were standing by the edge of the pool. What is he going to do? Drown me?

"Do what?" I asked.

"Stand up to me. You know you're going to get on my bad side, so why do it?" He asked. I sighed and shrugged. I looked around the empty room, anxiously hoping a teacher would walk in.

"Are you going to get this payback over with or what?" I asked, getting impatient. I just wanted it to be over.

"This? Oh this isn't payback. My payback is always public humiliation. This right here is because I don't like you." He said. He went to walk past me but stopped and pushed me into the pool. When I landed in the freezing cold water it felt like the air instantly left my lungs. Jesus fucking Christ would it kill them to heat up the pool a bit? I resurfaced and pulled myself to the edge and glared at Vic as he casually strolled out of the room. Fucking jackass.

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