Easy living

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You were a happy child. You lived in a home with your mom, dad and little sister Sophie. You all lived in a really nice house and you had everything you could ever want. Although you were rich and spoiled you were very humble and had a lot of standards and morals for yourself. Your little sister on the other hand was spoiled and didn't care about morals. She was only kind to a few people and you were one of them. You were walking home from school one day and you were thinking. Some girl was crying in the corner because some girl stole her phone as a joke and she couldn't contact her mom so you gave her your new Iphone XR (red) and told her she could keep it as long as she was careful to not get it stolen. She of course agreed and you snapped back to reality when you got to your manors gates. You put in the code and walked in. You then noticed something out of the corner of your eye on the edge of the forest. It was white and wearing a black outfit. You turned to look and nothing was there. Only trees. You shrugged it off and went into your house. 

***Time Skip***

You were in your room on your new Ipad when you pulled out your diamond card and bought a new Iphone. You set it to the fastest shipping and then turned off your tablet. You walked down to the kitchen and saw your parents. You greeted them and you opened the fridge door. Just then your sister walked in the door and began to bitch about her day. You walked up to her and went behind her. You wrapped one hand around her mouth and one under her arms. You then dragged her to her room and pushed her onto her bed and said "Sophie... Learn some chill? Your giving me a splitting headache." She looked at you and nodded you walked out and closed the door walking to your room when you stepped one foot inside your doorway something felt off. So you grabbed your black knife off the table next to your door and got into a defensive posture. You walked all the way in and examined your room. The energy in your room just felt off. You finally shook it off when you saw the figure in the forest again but when you tried to get a better look it was gone.  

***** It's me bishhhhh! Yo. I know I know I left you off at a shitty part but..... I will make it up to you. If you are starting to enjoy this story I will write it as far as 20-50 chapters. 


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