Lets Get The Bowl

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"So will you accept this rose Rosalena?"

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"So will you accept this rose Rosalena?"

I jump and and say "of course" with a big smile.

Chris comes back to say "congratulations Rosalena for winning the impression rose! Now unfortunately we have to let five of you ladies go. I'll let Blake take it from here."

"Thank you guys so much for taking time out of your lives to come and be on this show. I appreciate all of you so much but I am trying to find my wife here so five of you will have to go. There are 24 roses left so if your name isn't called then your time is up on the bachelor."





After Julia's name is mentioned I pull her into a tight hug and say "YESSS, you made it past the first day!!"


"YESSS TRACEY!!" The group and I scream with excitement.



There are now six girls left and the worry on all of their faces can be seen. The six girls are Stephanie, Rachel J, Riley, Catilina, Jennifer and Piper.

"The last rose of the night goes to Catilina"

We all scream with excitement and run up to Catilina for a group hug.

Chris comes back onto the stage after everyone goes back to their seats. "So the five of you who weren't called, I'm sorry but you must go get your bags and get into the limos."

The five girls all start to cry as they leave.


Thirty minutes pass and Carla comes around with a slip off paper and hands it to all the girls.

"These are your room numbers and who your roommates are."

I open my paper up and see that I'm on the second floor which is very exciting. I also see the names of Tracey and Venalena. Tracey looks at the two of us and says "hi new roomies!!"

"AHHH I got Amanda and Julia!!" Catilina screams. "We are on the second floor in room number 3."

"Tracey, Venalena and I are also on the second floor. We are in room number 1."

"What's wrong Claira?" Julia asks.

"Haily and I got a room together but we also have Kashiya." Claira says with watery eyes.

"Aww Claira." I move over to where she is and give her a hug. "Maybe it won't be that bad. What room are in in at least?"

"We are also on the second floor. We got room number 2."

After we calm Claira down we all head up to our rooms and finally get to sleep.


The next morning I wake up to someone banging on our left wall.

"OH MY GOSH!!! IS THAT AN INTRUDER?" Venalena screams.

Just then we here nocking on our door. I open it to see Claira and Haily.

"What's wrong? What's going on in there?"

"We didn't get any sleep for Kashiya making noice all night. She kept the tv on full volume and then kept banging on walls to wake us up."

"Oh my gosh. I'm sorry. Do you want to take a nap and then figure out what the plan is for today?"

"No it's fine. We will be ready in twenty minutes."

We arrive downstairs to the kitchen. I get out eight plates while Haily makes eggs. Claira makes pancakes and Julia makes bacon and baloney.

"Guys!! I found an envelop."


I read it aloud. "Hi ladies. Today and tomorrow are free days. You may do anything you would like. JUST DONT LEAVE THE VILLA!"

"Alright guys. What should we do today?"

We all decide to go to the pool and then have a movie night today.


At the pool we play a game of truth or dare. If someone doesn't want to do their dare three times total they have to jump in the pool full clothed.

"Truth or dare Tracey?"


"I dare you to go in the kitchen and take a nap in there."


"Truth or dare Rosalena."


"Is it true you only came on the show for fame?"

"No!! I came to find love."

After an hour of playing the game we finally find our losing person who has to suffer the consequences.

"Come on Rosa!! You can do this!!"

"Let's push her in" Tracey whispers to the rest of the group.

"Why are you guys all crowded-"

Next thing I knew, I was pushed into the pool by the rest of the group.

"Oh my gosh I hate y'all so much!!" I say while laughing.

It was getting dark out so we headed back to our rooms and got ready for our movie night.


The next day was kind of boring. I didn't do much except go to the booth of honesty where the show producers made tricky questions for us to answer.

"Why did you come onto the show?"

"After I had been cheated on by my last boyfriend three years ago I wasn't really trying to find love. I turned everyone down who liked me because I could no longer trust. But that's no way to live. I came on the show to finally find love three years later and hopefully Blake is the next and last one."

"What do you think about Blake?"

"He's very sweet and seems like a very caring man. He's humble and not to mention VERY HOT!!!"

"What are your thoughts on Kashiya and how do you feel about her being your friends roommates?"

"Kashiya seems like a little brat who got everything she wanted as a kid and when she didn't she threw a tantrum. She's a b word and honestly she can go somewhere with her nasty attitude. I hate that my friends have to deal with her and live in the same room as her for who knows how long but I have hopes that it will get better."


I am woken up to loud yelling in the hall.


The three of us hurry to brush our teeth and wash our faces and then head downstairs to the lobby. We see Rachel S holding an envelope and the cameramen trying to get every angle possible. Once she gets it open she reads it aloud.

"- lets go get the bowl!"

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