Let's See Who Knows Me Best

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"Hi Blake"

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"Hi Blake"

"Hi Rose" Blake says as he pulls me into a tight hug. "Are you feeling better from the other day?"

"I'm feeling much better, thank you for asking!!" I say with a smile.

We decided to just get to know each other better for a few. Blake went first.

"Did you ever do any sports as a kid?"

"I did soccer in third through fifth grade and then in all of middle school I did dance and soccer and in high school I did cheerleading and swim."

"Wow!! So you did it all" Blake says with big eyes while laughing.

"I guess you could say that. What about you? Did you do any sports?"

"I did basketball in high school and track."

"Oh nice!!" I say while laughing. "I have another question. Where is somewhere you've always wanted to travel?"

"I always wanted to travel to Italy."

My eyes light up as I respond,"oh my gosh!! Me too!! And Paris."

Just as he opens his mouth to say something a girl with yellow blonde hair and her roots are dark brown or black walks up to us.

"Can I steal him from you?" Riley says.



When I arrive back inside and find my friends they all look up in shock.

"That was fast" Venalena says.

"I know. Riley stole him from me."

"Oh. I'm sorry." Amanda says.

Worried from the way Amanda responded I finish walking to where Tracey is seated.

"Is Amanda ok?"

"I don't know. She was fine this whole time." Tracey says with a confused face.

"Ok?" I say in a confused voice.


After an hour everyone heads back up to their rooms to get ready for bed. As I'm walking to my room I'm stopped by someone calling my name. I turn around to see Blake calling my name. Before I can fully turn around to walk over to him Amanda speed walks past me rolling her eyes.

Did something happen between us? She was fine all day.


After talking to Blake for a quick minute I walk up the stairs and go to my room. When I get to the door I can hear Amanda talking.

"It's just so annoying. Her connection with Blake is so good and it seems like she's hogging him."

The next voice sounds like it is Tracey's. "Well don't you and Blake have a good connection too? I always see you guys smiling and laughing when you're together."

"Yeah we do but she's just to much."

I walk in as if I didn't hear anything because I didn't want to start any drama and I didn't know if she was talking about me. I get my clothes and go to the bathroom. As soon as I close the bathroom door I hear the room door slam. When I'm done in the bathroom I get in my bed and instantly fall asleep.


The next morning I wake up on my own. No one had woken me up with date cards or anything. Since I was the first awake I quickly brush my teeth and shower because the date card could arrive at any minute and this was the first time I had the opportunity to shower before one.

Hours pass and there was still no date card. It was already 3pm and all my friends were showered and almost ready for the day.

Is there even going to be a date card today? There has to be something because we usually always know by now what the day will look like.

"Do you think we will be doing something today?" I ask my roomies.

"I don't know. We usually know the days plan by now." Venalena says.

"Do you guys want to go to the pool?" Tracey asks.

"I think we should just wait and see what happens. I'll be right back." I say as I leave the room. As soon as I close the door I hear Amanda scream "Date Card!!"

We all run downstairs to see who was on the list. The minute we sit down the cameramen turn their cameras on and start recording.

"Addi, Steph, Tracey" Amanda stops reading and rolls her eyes. "Rosalena, Venalena, Claira, Shay, Sasha, Julia and Gracie let's see who knows me best.

I look at Tracey and say, "it's only been one week though!!!!"

The cameramen turn off their cameras and Carla comes into the lobby.

"So for today's activity you must where swimwear. You have ten minutes starting....NOW!!"

We all run upstairs. After eight minutes pass I was ready. I had a two piece swimsuit on that was black with yellow pineapples on the top and bottom. I put my hair in a high ponytail and wore flip flops. I didn't put makeup on since obviously we were going to be getting wet but I did put on some earrings.

Two minutes later my five friends and I all run down the stairs and outside to a nice bus.

After fifteen minutes we arrived to an open field which had a tube of water that people get dunked in.

"What!!! What is he making us do?" Venalena screams.

We get out of the limo and Blake comes from behind a tree.

"Hi ladies!! Today we will see which one of you guys know me best. I have a series of questions I will ask. Two ladies will go in the dunk machine at a time and whoever gets an answer wrong to a question I ask will be dunked. I have separated you ladies into groups. In the first group will be Addi, Tracey, Sasha, Julia and Gracie. In the second group will be Rosalena, Steph, Venalena, Claira and Shay."

When we went to the dunk tanks we stood in two lines. Addi was to the left of my group in front, behind her was Tracey and then Sasha, next was Julia and last was Gracie. In the second line to the right of Addi's line was my group. I was first, behind me was Steph and then Venalena and last was Claira and Shay.

"First to get in the dunk machine is Addi and Rosalena" Chris yells.

I enter the dunk machine with butterflies in my stomach as Blake stares at me with a huge smile. I smile back and then he said something.

"Just so all of you know, I may not have told you the answers to these questions but this is a guessing game. If any of you get them right then you stay dry and if you get them wrong then you will be dunked."

"First question. Did I ever break a bone?"

I think about my answer knowing he hasn't told me this before. I feel confident in my answer so I yell "NO"

Addi answers "yes" with no emotion.

"- got this answer right so - is getting dunked."

Thank you for reading this far. I am accepting feedback for my chapters just please be nice about it. This is the second book I've made and my first book I plan on finishing. I hope you guys enjoyed the first nine chapters. More chapters coming soon!! Also I'm having a tagfest in all three of my books. You can join them all and they all end on July 24, 2019, have fun!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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