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Baku POV
I woke up to quiet laughter. I know it's Floaty and Pika Pika. But why are they fucking laughing? The last thing  I remember is that I fell asleep.... wait... I fell asleep next to Shitty hair. I immediately opened my eyes to see him still asleep on my shoulder.
"Who knew that Bakugou was a softie~," Pika said laughing.
"Shut up Pikachu!" I said glaring at him.
"Hello, Passengers! We will be landing soon." Great the soon I can get away from these idiots the better. About 10 minutes later we landed. And Shitty hair hasn't wakened up yet.
"Oi Shitty Hair! Wake up!" I said pushing him. He jolted awake.
"Wha? What happened?" He said.
"The plane landed idiot."
"Oh okay. Also, I'm sorry for falling asleep on you." He said getting up.
"It's fine, Idiot. At least you weren't a crazy fanboy trying to sit on me."
"That's happened before?" He said turning his head in confusion.
"Yeah. I fell asleep and woke up to someone curled up in my lap. It was the weirdest thing." I said grabbing my bag.
"I bet you get all kinds of weird things to happen to you." He said. I nodded.
Time skip to when they have their luggage
Kiri POV
I began walking to where Shinsou was standing.
"Did you place it."
"Yes, Boss."
Baku POV
Yay! I'm stuck with these idiots for who knows how long.
"So where is the place we're staying?" Floaty bitch asked.
"All might said that the organization rented a house. But I don't know where. I wasn't told." Shitty nerd said. Ugh, they're so useless.
Hello Bakugou. Why are you messaging me?
The useless fuckers don't know where we're staying. Where the fuck are we staying
Oh, right I forgot to tell Midoriya. It's (random address)
"Oi Fuckers! We're staying at (same random address)."
"And how do you know that?" Pink cheeks asked. Jesus why do people ask so many questions.
"I texted All Might and asked," I said rolling my eyes, "I didn't think you guys were that stupid. Anyways let's go. I don't want to be around you guys any longer." I started walking away.
"Dammit, Bakubro! Why are you so mean? You were doing just fine on the plane," Pikachu said. All of them began following me.
"What, Nerd."
"Should we take a bus or something to get there?"
"Well, no shit. There's a bus stop across the street. While I was waiting for you guys this morning I looked for bus stops near the Airport."
"Oh." All of us made it outside and walked across the street. As we waited for the bus many fans of Me and Deku walked up to us and asked for pictures and autographs. I've gotten used to it, but Deku still stutters and gets embarrassed whenever someone compliments him. The bus pulled up while Deku was talking to someone.
"Oi, Nerd! The bus is here." Everyone got on the bus. As we were on the bus a few fans tried to sit on me. Nothing unusual. We made it to the bus stop closest to the house. Which is like three blocks away. I'm not complaining but Pikachu is.
"Why do we have to walk so far! I thought we were heroes! We shouldn't have to walk this far," he whined.
"Could you shut the fuck up? There are probably cars at the house. So quit your motherfucking whining," I said walking faster. I don't want to be with these fuckers any longer.
Time skip @ the house
Since I was the first one there by a long shot I chose my room first. It was the biggest room.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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