secrets are shown

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Tw: panic attack. Thinking bad about yourself.  Mentions of abuse. Mentions of abandonment . Panic attack

Kokichi's P.O.V

All the stares. All the judgement why... am I too weak.
My breathing got shaky and my thoughts began to rum whild and uncontrolled I couldn't stop it.
Is that why they hated me. Was it not good enough is that why they left me. Is that why non of my foster families wanted me. Is that why I live in a group home. Why does my gang even follow or care about me I'm a useless liar...

I thoughts began getting to me I could feel my tears getting faster.
"Why am I such an idiot" I muttered underlying breath repeating the same words over and over again
Only to be heard by team super duper detective squad.

I could breath.
too many stares. Too many people. Why...

efore could be ridiculed I go a small and very surprising hug from kirigiri. I hadn't had a hug in a while it was ... nice.

"I'm sorry kokichi. I know your stressed but can you talk to me .. please." Kirigiri whispered into my ear, as friendly as she could make her voice without it being creepy
It took a while but I decided to tell her. "I'm a girl" I whispered back.
"Hmm. Your facial struction does support you where born a girl. So why did you hide yourself?" She asked beck in a whispered .
It takes awhile but slowly as everyone leaves the medical room I'm left with kirigiri as I hesitantly tell my story.

"Well. In my neighbourhood you get judges based on not just how you act but which gang you are in and your gender so I became the leader of my very large  gang I didn't... I didn't want to be judged like with the ... orph-.. -families. ... they didn't want me.... so I decided to be a guy... I could actually be tough without catcalls  or... or affencive remarks...."

A/N : ahhhhh I'm sorry it's not long but I will continue pls tell me what should happen next...

Pls suggest.

Kokichi ouma genderbend Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat