Me and Jared Have Something Alike for Once

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    When I got home that night there was good news and there was bad news. The good news is that my parents where asleep. But.. the bad news was now I have to deal with them in the morning because I ditched school AND didn't come home at night. I probably be better off with those hybrid things.

     I wake up and do my normal routine, take a shower then clothes and mabey a jacket depending I rarely ever do my hair or makeup because I'm usually to lazy, or can't do it, and tbh I don't want to look like a girly girl... ewwww.

    After I'm done I don't want to go down stairs, I want to wait it out as long as I can before talking to my parents. But from what I heard they haven't woken up yet.... strange they are usually always awake before me. Whatever, the more time I don't have to talk to them the better for my neck not being rung.

     I make myself a full breakfast eggs, bacon, sausage, toast yum. I also made extra for my parents I figured I'd be a kiss up today. But... they still aren't up. This is really weird I have a pretty bad feeling something is going on.. so, I decide to get over the fear of my parents yelling at me and, go walk up to their room ignoring the fact that I'm shaking and I feel like I'm going to puke at any second.


    I walk in and my feeling gets worse. The bed is shredded with what seems like claw marks. The window is broken and glass is everywhere. their pillow stuffing is scattered across the room. Papers and door doors and thrown and broken. But that's not what scares me it's what's on the things. There is what seems like purple paint on everything. Then I see a bright rich red with a sort of metallic look to it... which I know is wherewolf blood. Ya humans have red too but ours is really  rich and shiny and has a metallic look to it we never figured out why but we know haw to identify it. And that.. is wherewolf blood.

     I scream and I feel my eyes start to burn. My parents are dead. I think. But they're not here.. where could they be? But I see a piece of paper neatly folded without anything wrong with it, that looks like it's been gently placed on the bed. No stains, no rips, tears or folded edges. I carefully walk over and pick it up. It simply says,

Dear Cristal,
    Come and find them.

          That's all it said but at the bottom was a tuft of fur. My sense of smell told me it was my moms. My mom never changed into a wherewolf.. something happened last night and I wasn't here to help. A sudden guilt clung to my back. Either my mom's fur or the fact that they might still be alive put my senses on overdrive. I now relized that, that purple paint.. wasn't paint it, was blood. But it couldn't be... I could sense both wherewolf and.. vampire.

         I turned into a wherewolf and ran to Jared's don't ask me why I just did. At this point I don't care if his vamp parents see me I'd rather die anyway. But me being somewhat still of a follower of rules now even though Jared made me break my perfect attendance, I still made sure no humans saw me.

         I got to Jared's house and was going to transform back because I relized I do care if they saw me in wherewolf form. But I relized on the hurry here I didn't pack any clothes and I am not going to be naked in front of vamps. So I decide to paw Jared's back door. It took like five, it  minuts for him to open the door. Which is odd. He opened the door and I could see why.


        His face was pale, he had a distant look in his red eyes which where only like that when he was using his vampire side. Usually his eyes are brown, like mine but also like mine.. our eyes are only red when we are using or other side. He looked as if he was about to collapse but instead he looked at me. He then said in a barely audible voice broken, and cracked,

The Two SidesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang