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  Everything happened so fast. But he had to run. He should have gone back to make sure they were okay. But he had to run. What if they couldn't save themselves? He had to run. They couldn't have made it out alive. But he had to run. Instinct told him to save himself before anyone else. So he had to run.
  Rain pelted the ground in blinding waves and thunder roared and sliced the sky. Inky dark clouds enclosed the entire sky into nothing. But scattered street lamps gave hints of silhouetted light. People walked as if it was nothing. He hadn't noticed how many people there were. They were everywhere. Some with umbrellas, some without, mostly with. Some walking, some running. He had never seen this many people in his life. But then again, he hadn't met that many people anyways.
  He soon realized it was a mistake to run in the streets. Cars were swerving and racing, obviously trying to get to a destination. So he decided to turn onto the sidewalk. Also a very bad idea, he realized. It was even worse. People were everywhere on the sidewalk. Thunder punched through the clouds again, this time ear-strikingly loud. He didn't even hear himself yelp this time. But it wasn't the thunder that was bad. Everything he had forgotten about in the past minute hurdled back to his mind. Flashbacks of everything that had just happened shot through him. He seemed to see everything even more blurry now. He weaved through the people's legs as fast as he could, but he easily got frustrated.
In the darkness he made out an opening.. if he could run fast enough. He leaned forward and got tumbled by shoes. He landed hard on his head and everything blurred. Water streaked down into his eyes and he blinked quickly. He growled to himself and hurled himself up, then leaped back into the opening he thought was an alleyway he could shelter in.
From this point everything seemed in slow motion. His hind legs had left the ground before he realized it was too late. The giant busy street yawned out in front of his own eyes. He tumbled into the black concrete. A yellow car with the word "taxi" written in bold black turned, and was headed straight for him. The blinding two lights stung his pupils and he shuffled to stand, but he was too terrified to move. The car got closer, not slowing in the least. A fit of honking burst out. He managed to tuck everything back into safety.. he thought. He shut his eyes tight, hoping everything would turn out alright.
Hoping was too much of a dream. He felt like time quickened again. A weight he had never felt before crushed him. Anxiety flared and he screamed with everything he could.
A blinding sound of silence raged through his ears. And that was the last thing he heard before he blacked out.

Wayward StrayWhere stories live. Discover now