Chapter Two

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  A slow heartbeat throbbed inside him. Nothing was happening.. everything was dead silent. He couldn't seem to remember anything, either. Air suddenly hit his lungs and breath knocked into him. He started breathing. At the same time his eyes parted and everything was blurry. He blinked a couple times. The light blinded him momentarily and his limbs were extremely sore and numb. He didn't even attempt to move a muscle. His mind throbbed as it tried to reel back who he was. "I was with my master.. and her boy.. we were in a car. We were visiting. where.?"His eyes fluttered closed and parted again to reveal what was in front of him. Black..? Yellow? Green..? He moved his head slowly as his eyes focused and detail started appearing. More things began to jump into his vision. Buildings. Many buildings. Red brick. A city. He tried focusing on a specific building. Brown studded brick and green flaky plants made up the outside. Green umbrellas shaded small round tables as well. The grand door at the front opened and shut as the strong aroma of coffee hit his nose glands. Coffee.
  A quick flashback raced through my mind. A small child ran across the kitchen with a small, red plastic airplane. He made a whooshing sound with a grand smile. "Dean slow down or you'll get hurt," the female in the room warned with a smile. Dean. "I know mommy!" His attention quickly jumbled to something else, which was.. me. The very small, at the time, black and white puppy tramped to the kitchen and barked menacingly, but because of his size, was just a small yip. Dean ran past his mother and bumped into her as he ran, and her dark brown liquid in the cup spilt all over the floor. "Dean!!!" His mother yelled. Kayak didn't pay attention to what his master was yelling, but instead curiously sniffed at the dark liquid. The smell was very strong, and something he wouldn't forget. It was also steaming and felt hot. He was soon shoved back and scolded to not lap it up. He remembered the name of it very clearly, coffee. Never touch or lick coffee. Coffee is a deadly toxin.
  As quick as the memory came, it left. He was back on a burning pavement. Cars raced past, giving somewhat of a breeze. He made an effort to heave himself up. He pushed himself to a sitting position on the baking ground. It felt like gravity was pulling him down, pleading him to rest more. He slowly got to standing and everything felt heavy and weak. The sun heavily beat down with no mercy. He turned and placed one foot on the curb to get up off of the hot street. He hauled up all his weight which seemed so heavy and hard to do. Pain throbbed everywhere, mostly his head. He lowered his head and took slow steps on the sidewalk, avoiding the occasional humans.
  He glanced up in time to catch a dog speed-walking towards him. The dog had a very strong and cross look. He was very big, bigger than Kayak by more than half of him. The newcomer was tan with dark brown faded through his face. He had a very sharp collar on with a heavy-looking chain hanging from it. Kayak tried his best to look as passive as he could, but this dog looked so aggressive he didn't think it'd work. The dog walked right up to Kayak's snout and growled menacingly. Kayak stepped back slowly, with his tail down.
  But it was in that moment when he realized it. He couldn't hear that well. Everything was muffled. He could hear faint things, but everything sounded slurred. He looked around. A door, not ten feet from him slammed shut and people around it jumped, but he didn't. He looked back to the dog that was barking at him. The dog was staring at him in confusion. He was barking things, but Kayak didn't understand what he was saying. He reached up with his paw and touched his ear. Pain shot through him, and he brought his paw back down. Dark blood covered it. He suddenly felt very light headed. His eyes watered, but he wasn't upset at anything. Or am I? I can't tell.
  Another dog, smaller and longer-furred, about the size of Kayak came up next to the big dog. It looked like she scolded him harshly, but Kayak's vision was quickly fading. He let gravity take him and he hit the concrete.
  Yet again.. my vision went dark and everything stilled.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2019 ⏰

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