Chapter One

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  Early light spilled from the windowsill and flooded the room. The light gently tickled his nose. It shone on his black and white marbled fur making every piece of fur glow. He awoke with a twitch and a nagging hunger. His jaws parted and gaped into a giant yawn. His eyes watered as he opened them, his heterochromia, crystal striking blue and dark oak eyes slowly blinked. He slowly rolled out of his dog bed and slumped up to a sitting posture.
  Almost instantaneously, he heard dog food clink into his metal bowl, then after, a shrill, "Kayak!!" That was his owners' child, Dean. Dean was about five years old, wears overalls most of the time, freckles dot his entire body, has spiky hair, and extremely loves and will do anything for Kayak.
  Kayak trotted around the wall and weaved through Dean's scattered toys. When he neared his dog bowl, he saw Dean struggling with the giant dog food bag. He accidentally tilted the bag too far and with a loud crash, dog food spilled everywhere. Kayak stepped back awkwardly, avoiding the flying pellets.
  Dean fell with a thump on his rear and brought his hands to his face as tears formed in his eyes. Kayak swiftly moved over to Deans' side and licked his tears clean. Deans ragged breath quickly changed to a shrill, long giggle. Kayak loved the sound of Deans' giggle. It filled him with pure joy. Kayaks' tail wagged violently as he playfully messed and ate the dog food all over the ground.
Soon, Dean's mother, Melissa, stomped in. Her nightwear was creased awkwardly and her brunette bun looked like a bird decided to nest in it. Her round glasses were crooked on her face as if she had just fallen out of bed and pushed them on while only one slipped survived the short apocalypse.
"Dean," her mother warned. "What happened in here?" she demanded. Fear crossed Deans' face as he realized his mother didn't understand he was trying to help. "Mommy, I wanted to feed Kayak for you so you didn't have to wake up early." Dean innocently stated. It took a few seconds, but she soon understood and a warm smile crawled up her face. She bent down next to the two of them and embraced them in a warm hug.
Everything went dark. All my emotions quickly faded into a still eerie calm. What was this?? It wasn't a room or anything.. I can't open my eyes.
  Suddenly light flared up. But not in my eyes.. in my mind?
  "Are we bringing Kayak?" A faint young voice Kayak quickly recognized as Deans'. I reeled my attention to where the voice came from and three figures fuzzed in my vision. "Of course, honey. We didn't have anywhere for him to go if we couldn't anyways." Melissa said. The voices were sharp now, and the bright white of the background turned to the front door of their house. Her brunette hair was draped down to her shoulders and her round glasses neatly placed on her face.
  Consciousness creeped back to my mind. No. No no no. This was just before...
  "We got all our bags let's pack the car up." Melissa said with a gentle smile. "Okay, Mommy!" Dean cheered with the purest smile. Kayak got up and trotted after the two humans.
  'NO. NO. TURN BACK. PLEASE.' I screamed at my own self trying desperately to change the past. 'DON'T GO.' I strained in my consciousness to stop myself, but I could do nothing.
  Everything clasped into darkness again. I was too weak to think. Too weak to attempt to get up.. or even to open my eyes. I didn't try to strain. I let go.
Soon everything slowed and I fell into a deep sleep.

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