Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

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"Anozher Monday....great." The Great Mighty Prussia mumbled while struggling to put on his Prussian attire that he totally didn't steal from his brothers attic. I mean, it IS his, so technically it isn't stealing right? Right!

Yet as the Prussian struggled to close his old jacket, he then realized something wasn't quite right with the world. Okay, well at least his world.

Mattie wasn't there.

Now, normally after being married for a while now, Prussia shouldn't have to worry why his Birdie wasn't present in their room right? Pfftt wrong. One time, Canada had been invited over to Al's house for a movie night, and naturally Prussia wasn't invited. So not to hurt his Gilly's feelings, he didn't explain where he ran off to for just the night.

It led to Prussia having a massive panic attack and about a days worth of kissing to get Prussia to calm down enough for Canada to explain where he had went off to.

Yeahhh, so when Prussia noticed that Canada was gone, he started to hyperventilate. Like, badly. Like, REALLY badly. He then began rushing around the house searching for his Birdie everywhere. It was a pretty bad scene, and Prussia felt entirely unawesome for doing so.

As he frantically searched for Canada, he completely missed the note that hung on the kitchen door. It was about ten minutes after panicking when he found it. He ripped it off the door and read it quietly.

"Dear Gilly, Sorry if I worried you! It's been a busy day. You see, it's Thanksgiving and-"

"Vait vhat?" Prussia said confused.

"It isn't zhanksgiving...America vould have made a big announcement if it vas..." Gilbert frowned.

Prussia went to his computer and typed in 'Thanksgiving' into the search bar.

A series of articles came up, with decorative images for American Thanksgiving but...

Prussia then noticed a turkey on a familiar flag. He clicked it and a virtual 'HAPPY CANADIAN THANKSGIVING!' came up excitedly.

His eyes widened.

"Oh no! Vhy didn't he say anyzhing!" Prussia gasped before rushing to get his wallet and keys before hurrying outside to his car next.


"G-Gil?" Mattie called out quietly as he walked through a seemingly empty house.

Now when I say 'seemingly', I mean a not empty house because Mattie didn't hear the quiet curse from a busy Prussian in the dining room.

Canada hung his coat and walked through the 'deserted' house and frowned before sitting down o the couch in the living room. He didn't see the red eyes looking at him from behind a crack in the kitchen door.

Canada put on the news and sat back and smiled at all his citizens indulging in Turkey and gravy.

Unknown to his knowledge, it was exactly what Prussia was doing in secret.

Okay well, not 'indulging' but you get the picture.


Canada was getting worried at this point. Prussia's phone was turned off and he didn't think Prussia was here. He didn't see Prussia's car in the driveway either. So, naturally, he was calm and much more collected then Prussia would be.

Prussia quietly changed upstairs. He put on a formal suit just for the occasion, and began setting the table. He decorated it beautifully, but I'll get on to that more later.

He was so excited for Canada to see this that he wanted to tell him all about it as soon as he heard his Birdie open the front door. But he held his tongue.

Prussia heard a slight snore come from the living room and tip toed near the couch. He bent down and kissed Canada's lips so Canada would wake up. Canada moaned and opened his eyes.

It still amazed Prussia about how Canada could take his breath away with just a glance.

He stood up straight and grinned.

"Mmmm...G-Gil? Where were you-"

"Just vait and follow me." Prussia said quickly before hurrying into the dining room.

Canada followed tiredly and stopped.

"W-What..." Canada whispered before looking around.

The dining room was decorated in red, orange, and brown streamers around the ceiling. It had a big, brown and red Turkey decoration sitting proudly in the middle of glorious pumpkin pies, mash potatoes, a bit of wurst on the end, and a huge cooked turkey.

Canada gasped and smothered Prussia with kisses. Lots and lots actually.

"Y-You did this for m-me?"

"Of course birdie. Ich Leibe dich after all."

"Je'Taime." Canada laughed.

"Happy Thanksgiving Prussia."

"Happy Zhanksgiving birdie..."






Hells yeah. Also, Turkey is amazing.

K bye. 🍁🍁🍁

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