The name reveal

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Its been at least two months, the baby is growing normally but not all my memories have not come back yet. One night I had a dream, very vividly. I think it was a memory. I was hiding behind Ban as the holy knights came to what they seen as a murder. It wasn't the sins, I was there with them. I was going to run away with them, become one of them, but I remember somebody by the name of Gilthunder grabbing my hand and pulling me aside. Me screaming, Ban yelling, then Merlin put her hands on my head.

That's all I remember.

it was last night I had that dream, I lie there thinking of it when Ban wakes up next to me.

"mm...Goodmorning." he kisses my head and my stomach. We were going to go somewhere safe until the baby was born. Though with the war and everything going on with demons trying to take over Liones, I stay inside the boar hat. I learned to cook really well, and I usually clean or read.

We head downstairs for breakfast like usual, the difference was there were two new additions to the group.

King and Gowther.

We found them last month, everything happened so quickly but when we found them it was like nothing had changed between them. Feelings of the past came back, I remember a few things here and there like conversations I've had with them.
They tell me things about me and Ban that used to happen, like we would take long walks in the middle of the night in the woods and we were planning on getting a house. Things like that bring back all the feelings I had before and each day I feel closer to all of them.
Getting out of bed I trip on myself and almost fell, but Ban caught me with one arm.
"Clumsy" he pulls me in and kisses me quickly. At this moment I felt something weird happen in my stomach and I look down, I could feel him moving around. Ban put his hand on my stomach to feel and laughed.
"Hey buddy, are you going to be clumsy like your mommy?"
"Hey!" I playfully smack his arm and he laughs.
At this time I'm about 4 months pregnant, I'm not huge but my belly still gets in my way sometimes I'm just not used to having it I guess.
I get dressed and head downstairs to make breakfast, seeing everyone there I smile and make my way behind the counter.
"Hey, where's our breakfast?" Melodias yells jokingly and everyone chimes in
"Yeah! We're hungry!"
"Why'd you sleep in so late?"
As everyone tag teams me I laugh and Ban comes up behind them smacking each one on the head.
"Sit down honey, I'll make breakfast today" taking the apron from my hands he puts it around himself and heads to the stove.
Now everyone is making fun of him, they like to tease him when he does cute things for me. That doesn't mean I don't get teased either, they poke my belly and talk to our baby about us and make jokes. They're family.
Ban came over with eggs, bacon and toast. He also made extra for Hawk who loves his cooking. Mine isn't as amazing but I can bake one hell of a cake.
"Y/N, do you want to tell them the news?" Ban came over to me and put his arm around my shoulders while I shoved the rest of the food in my mouth.
"Let me guess..your pregnant!" King yells laughing like he made the best joke In the world.
"Haha, very funny. If you must know we actually picked out a name." I spoke above the noise everyone was making and they stopped immediately waiting for us to announce it.
I looked up at Ban and he nodded indicating I should be the one to announce his name.
"We decided on the name, Raiden." Everyone cheers and claps as the name is announced.
"I actually have a surprise for Y/N" Elizabeth stands up.
"Y/N, we've been through a lot together with training and fighting. But besides that you are my best friend and sister. So I've decided to throw you a baby shower!"
I stand up and she runs over to me embracing me. She was honestly so sweet and loyal I feel like I could trust her with anything.

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