21 ; c×a - sharing a demon's body

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Hhhhha this was so fun to write



Crowley couldn't believe it. Aziraphale was more or less right in front of him. A bit blurry and see-through, but he could talk.

"Listen," He said, snapping his fingers. Crowley blinked once. "I need a body. I can't find someone willing to accept me..."

"That's terrible... the world's ending in a fee hours, and you don't have a body?" Crowley sighed, rubbing his face in his hands.

"I know! It's dreadful ," Aziraphale whined. "Maybe you could help."

"Well, I'm not sure you'd like my body, I have some weird thoughts," Crowley said. "But I'm up for it, if you are."

"I meant help me find someone," Aziraphale smiled. "But I could... share your body..."

"Right, that's what you meant," he said quickly, flushing. "If you want to, of course."

"If you're okay with it also!" The angel smiled.

"Alright, whenever you're ready," Crowley said, smiling too.

"Yep," Said Aziraphale. "Any second now."

"Just fuckin' do it already, angel," Crowley hissed.

Aziraphale scoffed, and in a singular (1) second, he sent his spirit into Crowley. It was a bit stuffy inside there, and it was cold.

"Can you hear my thoughts?" Crowley asked suddenly, and the other noticed his mind go blank.

"Of course, I'm inside you," Aziraphale said.

Oh my fucking God, Aziraphale, Crowley thought.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing. It was nothing."


"You can't drive through a wall of hellfire!" Aziraphale screamed, trying to take control of Crowley's arms.

"Yes, yes I can!" He hissed, slamming on the gas.

They were about halfway through it now, and Aziraphale wouldn't stop screaming. Crowley was starting to get aggravated, but he knew Aziraphale was an angel, and that meant he was supposed to be scared of hellfire.

They finally made it through, and Crowley slammed the brakes. Aziraphale was gasping for breath, same as the body he was inhabiting.

"You could have killed us both!" He yelled.

"Yeah, so what?" Crowley said, under his breath. Sorry.

"You apologized?" Aziraphale asked.

"What? No, I said, so what?" He scoffed.

"Oh..." said Aziraphale.

His suspicions were confirmed, Crowley took the actions he was automatically going to do, the ones he thought were going to make him look soft, and hid them with cold ones.

"Ready?" Crowley said, pressing his foot down on the gas.

"As I'll ever be..." the angel sighed.

After a few minutes of driving, the purposeful blankness of Crowley's mind started to bother him. Why did he need to hide his thoughts?

"You aren't thinking about anything? Why?" Aziraphale asked.

"You wouldn't like what comes and goes in my head," he said, tapping his finger on the wheel.

"...Why not?" Aziraphale pressed.

"None of your goddamn business," Crowley growled. You'd only see yourself.

"I'd only see myself?" Aziraphale said incredulously.

For a brief moment, Crowley's head exploded with thoughts, and as wrong as it made him feel, Aziraphale tried looking at as much as he could.

He really could only see himself. There was an occasional feeling of love, and there along with it, was every second Crowley had spent with him.

And then it vanished. It was silent.

"Stay out of my head," He said sharply.


They arrived at the airbase shortly after, and Crowley stepped out of the Bentley, which was still ablaze. Aziraphale was relieved to have left.

"Hello, everyone," Crowley smiled.

"Who's this?" Shadwell grunted, pointing his finger gun at him.

"Really?" The demon frowned. "Adam, tell them who I am."

"I don't know who you are, though," Adam Young said, glancing at his friends.

"Who are you trying to be, The Crow?" Pepper asked, crossing her arms.

"I-" Crowley started, and then just looked down.

"Nevermind that," Aziraphale told him. "May I take over, please?"

"Yes..." Crowley sighed, and sunk into the background as Aziraphale's voice took over.

"Ah, hello, yes," he smiled. "My name is A-"

There was a loud whistling sound, and just as Crowley took control again, the Bentley blew up behind them, shooting debris everywhere. A burnt pipe landed in front of Crowley, where he fell to his knees.

"Er, Crowley, dear," Aziraphale chimed in. "I think there's a more pressing matter to attend to."

"I'm having a moment here," Crowley whined.

Aziraphale notices his mind was open again, and instead of being invasive and making him become closed off again, he slowly searched through.

I'm cold.

Fuck yourself.


My car.... my sweet car...

I love you, angel.

Gabriel can die.

I want to die too, though.

Murder suicide .... hmm.


Wait, that's not my thought.


Oh shit-

Crowley cut Aziraphale off again, making him sigh. Aziraphale ran the few threads over and over as Crowley diffused the gun situation. He reached a particular thought that made him stop dead in his tracks:

I love you, angel.

Wait. What?

"You shouldn't have to share a body," Adam said suddenly, and Aziraphale was thrown out of Crowley's consciousness. He sort of missed it.

"Thank you, Adam," Crowley said, looking down at him.

"Er, yeah, thanks Adam," Aziraphale smiled. "Thanks a lot..."

You know what happens after that.


Owo sorry it's so short :o

Anyways have a nice night I'm bout to have a panic attack

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