the grove

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*Nick's POV*

"you look rough" Zion says walking into my room

"yeah I couldn't sleep" I say getting up rubbing my eyes

Today is gonna be a rough day because we have to do a lot of studio stuff and I just really am not in the mood. Before I do anything, I wanna look up the
place we were at last night so I can call.

"Zion do you remember what the place was called last night" I say shouting out my door

"yeah its called the highline ballroom" Zion says walking into my room ( a/n this is a random place I picked so ignore it lol)

"okay imma call now" I say shooing Zion away

Ring... Ring... Ring...

"hello, this is the highline ballroom how may we help you today" this lady says

"hello my name is nick mara, I was at an after party last night at your club and I bumped into one of your waitresses. She dropped her ring and I found it and I would really like to return it to her." I explain

"okay, do you know her name? I'll check to see if she's in today?" she asks

shit you dumbass

"No I wasn't able to get her name" I say shaking my head

"ok do you think you could describe her to me?" She says

"well she had curly hair that was kinda brownish blonde, hazel eyes, kinda short, a lot of freckles." I tell her trying to remember what she looked like

"ahh yes okay, unfortunately sir she is not in today." she says

well just great

"okay, can I have her name or her number so I can contact her?" I ask thinking of what to say

"no sorry sir we can give you her first name but we can't disclose that information about our staff" she says

"okay what is her name" I say with little hope

"Lauren. She works here only on special events, so we're not too sure when she'll be back but we will contact you when she comes back" The lady says

"okay thank you" I say hanging up

I throw my phone on my bed and slam my body on the bed

"I'm guessing you got nothin" Zion says coming into my room

I shake my head

"her name is Lauren, thats all I got cause they can't disclose further information about their staff" I say mocking the lady's voice that was on the phone

"There could be hundreds of Lauren's here!" I say pissed off

"don't worry man, we'll find her" Zion says patting my back again

"ZION, NICK WE GOTTA HEAD TO THE STU" Edwin shouts from downstairs

I groan, grab my hat and go downstairs. The whole ride to the studio, I put my headphones in and just kept thinking of how else I could find her.

*Lauren's POV*

I wake up to my best friend beating me with a pillow... a typical morning

"WAKE UP BITCH RISE AND GRIND" Emily says still hitting me

"okay okay okay okay okay OKAY" I say getting up out of bed

I scroll on my phone for a little before getting up. I use the bathroom and do my normal routine. I then get dressed and put my bracelets and ring on. Wait... where's my ring?

ring (nick mara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now