Octavio's POV
Hello. My name is Octavio Rose Silva. That was the last name of my father, Louis Silva. I'm 12 years old, I have two sisters and a mother. A stepfather named Tai. Though he's very rude to me. But do I let that get the best of me? Nah. He's to slow to understand anything. Either way...I...uhm...I usually get hit and kicked and yelled at for doing something wrong. But uh...I don't care...okay...I...care a lot...they're all jackasses to me. I don't know why. Something to do with my papa Louis?...I think?...I'm not sure. But-
His thoughts were interrupted by Tai yelling for him unknowing to Octavio he'd be making a break for it once again and this will cost him something he holds near and dear
Octavio: Coming "Dad"...great...he gets up and heads downstairs to see Tai very angered by him along side his uncle Qrow and his mother Summer...something wrong?
Qrow: Something wrong?... Something wrong?! You little rat!! You took some of my booze!!
Tai: You took all my coffee grounds!!
Summer: You stole all the damn sugar for the cookies I was going to make!!!
Octavio: damn....They know...as long as they don't find the stim prototype I'm safe...he held his hands in his pockets holding a small stim shot he made out of those things he stole. Mainly the coffee and sugar to make a concoction of sugar and caffeine to boost him...the liquor?...to both make him feel more relaxed while taking it while being also energetic and to also have some liquor to taste it...not a good taste...I have no idea what you're talking about...
Tai: Bull. Fucking. Shit!! *Kicks Octavio in the gut making him fall over in pain*...Admit it!!
Octavio: *groans in pain*...You're such a pendejo...such an idiot...I swore I never stole anything...
Qrow: Yeah?! Then what's in your pocket?!
Octavio: shit...
Tai: Let's see it!!
Octavio: *looked around for an out and sees Ruby laugh at him as she opens the back door to let Zwei in so he knew that was perfect out and so he pulled out his concoction stim and stabs himself with it sorta shocking the adults who were yelling at him. But he felt...so...much energy in that. Not only from the stim quickly working but also the tiny prick he did to inject himself feeling that pinch and serum of sugar and caffeine pump through his veins. He very quickly jumped up and ran at Tai who was shocked to see this and instead of punching or something he slides underneath him and quickly dodges qrow and summer. Bolting it for the door. But Ruby and Yang tried to stop him. But that didn't stop him, he in one leap jumped over them both and sprinting out the door*
Summer: *she growls at this and grabbed her scythe and ran out as well putting it in a gun form and aims her weapon at Octavio and fires at him*
*Before Octavio can make it to the tree line and the forest he fell over and slowly his concoction was wearing off and he slowly felt the pain in his knee cap...if you can even say he has kneecaps anymore...for his leg was now just hanging by a string.... literally...parts of his tendons and a little bit of nerves were holding his leg together due to the fact Summer just shot it off with a sniper rifle... Octavio fell over and begins to scream in horrible agony...but as he tries to crawl away Qrow came out with his weapon and aimed the barrels at Octavio's other knee and shot it off and Octavio screamed more in agony as he now just lost both his legs...and sure it may seem like an obvious cliche or something but Summer was just...feeling regret...shocker. Either way Octavio was bleeding out fast, so the family decided to do the next best thing... what's that? You thought his family would actually care now and bring him to an actual hospital?...haha!!...no! Qrow told Tai to get the iron they used for clothes ready and get it nice and hot. So Tai did as told. Qrow dragged Octavio in and held him down...Tai with a sadist smile had the hot clothing iron and slams it on Octavio's leg stumps to cauterize the wounds. Summer on the other hand had to keep Ruby and Yang from watching...this...but after a few minutes of the smell of burning flesh and blood later Octavio was in worse conditions. Not only has he passed out from the pain but he is also on the risk of serious infections on his "treated" wounds...
*Timeskip...2 days after...the incident...*
Octavio: *Was forced to crawl around on his hands and went downstairs while the others were out to celebrate Yangs birthday or something they told him. He went to get the mail...managed to get the mail from the mailbox and sees through it but found a paper for Atlas Military and Academy...and...he always wanted to go to Atlas but the paper was to advertise the academy along it being an interest forum for him to sign up for Atlas and see if he's lucky to be apart of it. So he did. He registered being only 12 years old...but he thought this could save him...so he filled out the papers and put it in the mailbox and crawled back inside...hoping...to be saved...*
That's chapter one...sorry if it's short...been playing Apex lately haha^^...sorry again...heh...I'll try to update soon again^^

I've gotta stay Fast to Forget my Past (Abused Octane x RWBY)
FanfictionOctavio "Octane" Rose Silva was the eldest child of the Rose/Branwen and Xiao Long family. Being the only male child and being the most favorite person the family can always turn to, to beat the everliving shit out of him. Reason? Well. Cause Summer...