Kaos the Bighead sat on a wall.....

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Sabine: Welp, hello.

Eliora: Forgive us again, please!

Screech: The creator has been really busy recently, so sorry of this dues five months later. OR A MILLION?

-the roof falls off the castle-

Kaos: WHY?!?!?!

Jet Vac: Stop the sappy talk and do the dares.

Mickey: Well, the dare's skulls.

Sabine: Why did you say something so dark?

Mickey: .......

Eruptor: Let's get on with it!

Drobot: Snap Shot, why do pull everyone's hair at Cloudcracker without consent?

Snap Shot: It's their fault for being evil doers.

Cassie: That's highly accurate and very true.

Sabine: -rolls her eyes-

Mickey: I've been reading these messages, and it says for DS to sing.

Pop Fizz: -scratches his head in confusion- Who's DS again?

Kaos: Dark Spyro, dummy.

Strykore: -from the chamber- That worthless dragon will pay!

Sabine: Shut up, you worthless idiot!

Stealth Elf: You....hate Strykore?

Chamo: If you believe her theories, then yes. You seriously need to grow up if you think that.

Sabine: Shut up.

Clawsia: Stop being so rude! Anyway, it says any song, I think.

Mickey: Bedtime for you, huh, Sabine?

Sabine: -nods-

Cassie: Sleeeep.

Sabine: You're being that insect girl from the superhero movies, right?

Cassie: SLEEEP!

Sabine: -punches Cassie and sleeps, quickly waking up-

Elf: That. Was. Quick.

Sabine: -grabs her Skyphone, showing the video-

Dark Spyro: I'm an angel with a shotgun, fighting till the wars won! I don't care if heaven won't take me backkkk!

Cassie: -quickly pauses the video-

Jet Vac: That's a song on Earth, isn't it?

Cassie: You just answered your own question, Professor.

Eruptor: Next dare is.....Spyro must ask Malefor permission to go on a date with his daughter.

Stealth Elf: We gotta bring out the closet.

Kaossandra: On it. -The closet appears and time is unfrozen as Spyro and Cynder breathe heavily when they separate from the kiss.-

Spyro: We're friends! Why do people think we're in a relationship?

Clawsia: You had a game series together. You loved each other! It was so cute! -Spyro's face brightened at the words 'game series'-

Sabine: And.....your father figure dies.

Cassie: DON'T TALK ABOUT IGNITUS! -she falls off the floor, whimpering, and that hearing that news of another father figure dying again makes Spyro stop smiling -

Mickey: Does Malefor have a phone?

Cynder: I think-

Malefor: Why did you call me?! Especially you, you putrid breed?!

Spyro: Uhh.......we were playing Truth or Dare and a fan said I had to ask you permission to date your daughter?

Malefor: -hangs up-

Kaos: Burn!

Eruptor: Shouldn't I have said that?

Kaos: Who cares?

Sprocket: Well, we've run out of dares. So, I suppose I'll dare Kaos. Sit on a wall.

Eliora: -she summons a projection of light that makes a wall coloured like a shiny pearl appear. Even worse, it's seven foot high- There!

Cassie: -sniggers- You're Humpty Dumpty now, Kaos! SUCK ON THAT! AWAHWAHWAHWHAH! -falls on the floor, dying of laughter-

Kaos: WaTtT?

Glumshanks: Sir, I highly recommend you don't-

-Kaos begins fly up to sit on the wall, and he starts to swing on the wall projection, as Cassie and Sabine link arms, singing the nursery rhyme together-

Sabine: Humpty, Dumpty, sat on a wall.....

Cassie: Humpty Dumpty had a great fall......

Sabine: And all the king's horses and-

Cassie: All the king' men!

Sabine- Couldn't bring Humpty together again....

-they fall to the floor, laughing so hard Sabine's cheeks grow red, like Dark Spyro's eyes-

Kaos: So, yOu'Re SaYiNg I cRaCk? -Kaos accidentally makes such a bad swing on the wall he falls off onto the ground, knocked out due to the stress unable to make a safe landing-

-Sabine and Cassie continue laughing horribly loud, and soon Eliora joined in-

Stealth Elf: What's so funny?

Cassie: Well, he said 'he cracks?!' when Humpty isn't an egg.

Sabine: He's a canon ball!

Eliora: Oh, I get it! He's not an Academy show exclusive! He's canon to every story!

Chamo: Please, drink some Red Sheep.

Hugo: SHEEP! WHERE?!?!?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2019 ⏰

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