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"Ouch" I fell down on he floor because I wasn't paying attention where I was putting my feet. A random person approached me.

"Oh my gosh!" She was a girl. " Are you okay? You should be more careful! Where were you looking at!" She gave me her hand so I could stand up. 

"Thanks" I smiled. "I was a little distracted I guess" I tried to keep my cool, but a was kinda embarrassed to tell the truth.

"Oh, yep, I'm Alice. Nice to meet you"

"What a beautiful name! I'm y/n by the way. Nice to meet you too!"

"You're a new student, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I think it's kinda easyyy to tell I'm a newer here" I laughed.

And yesssss I was going to college and to take a new step in my life. This past two years weren't the best for me, I had to be working hard, so freaking hard to get some money and be able to attend the university. That means every single person of my class it's gong be like 2-3 years younger? Ew, that's life, they said. 

"So, in which class are you? Maybe I can guide you a little bit on your first day"

I showed here my schedule. She nodded, and pulled a paper out her handbag.

"Look! We're in the same class!" She looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Really? Wow, this makes me kinda relieved, at least I know someone here now." I laughed. "But, I thought you weren't a new student here, I don't get it".

"I know I know, I started going to this uni like two years ago but had to stop because of my family" She sighed. 

"Oh" I said.

"Yeah, that means I'll be like the big sis of my classmates. Ha! So funny" She made a funny face.

"Not really, the same goes for me" I smiled and told her about me a little bit, so that she has an idea of my situation.

We walked where our class was supposed to be. It was really entertaing cuz we were talking and having a chance to know a little better more about us (interests, hobbies, the reason of choosing this college, future goals...)

When we entered the class and found the perfect place to sat down. I looked around to see everything on my surrondings. There were a lot of students walking, talking and most of them you could tell how nervous they were. Understandable, it was the first of college!

The class went by like any normal first day of class, we have a lot of presentations!But I must admit, all those speeches the teachers were giving gave me motivation. Besides that, nothing really interesting.

Alice and I were together almost during all day. Our classes were practically the same. Lucky me to be able to find someone and not be alone.

Once the classes finished, we stop by a café to get something. We talked about the small little things, have fun and enjoy that damn delicious milkshake we ordered! It was memorable I swear! After that, we discovered we were going to be on the same residence. We couldn't be more lucky, could we? But yep, we could. Since the two of us started to know each other and become friends, we asked to change or roomates. Fortunately there were any problems, so here you have it! A round day.

First day passed.

The next ones were kinda normal too. Any interesting stuff to explain or anything like that. 

Being used to the routine of getting up early, going to college, study, do homework... two weeks passed by.  Everything was okay, standard, nothing to think about to much, till...

Till I saw him.

It was on a Wednesday when my eyes realized on his presence for the very first time. That boy was, how should I say it? HANDSOME, PERFECT WITH A KILLING SMILE, NICE BODY, ADORABLE & CUTE, BUT ON THE SAME TIME, SEXY.... Yay! Melting time while remembering this moment.

How couldn't I see him before? That's a total mystery. But anyway, I'm really bad at talking with guys so it didn't bother me much. Becausa, what would I do or say? Nothing, I always do nothing. 

The moment my blind eyes realized of him, my very best friend also noticed him. We looked at each other, and you could tell we were thinking the same (basically, all the description above about that boy).

"Y/N since when does he go to this college? Cuz.... wow" 

"No idea girl. But sameee" 

But little did I know how everything was going to change from that moment.

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