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I sighed and flopped down in my bed kicking off my shoes. I let my head lay against the pillow. I let the events run through my mind. I'd hugged Herobrine, liked him been saved from suffocation by him and I hadn't even thanked him. He didn't seem to want to be. I sighed softly.

"Dammit Steve he probably does this to everyone ignore him" I growled at myself.

Some how I didn't believe myself he seemed to care. There was a knock at the door. I stood up and walked to the front door. I opened it and looked down. There was a bouquet. I picked up the flowers and looked at them before stepping outside.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Hello" a voice replied from above.

My eyes widened and I turned quickly. There he was all cleaned up. Herobrine looked absolutely delicious. His shirt still fit tight and his jeans were a regular denim. His hands were calloused as I'd guessed but I wanted them around my own. That surprised myself. His brown hair was combed and parted.

"So you want to hold hands now" he said sounding more like a question than a statement. I thought for a minute then nodded.

"You sure you want to hold hands with this freak" he asked.

"You're not a freak" I replied. He heaved a sigh looking at the ground.

"I promise you're not a freak" I said setting a hand on his shoulder.

"Herobrine leave him alone" a male voice yelled. His eyes widened and he backed away from me.

"Brinery..." I said softly as he ran away. I knew it was Jeb. I sighed softly and walked inside.

"You'll find him later" I promise myself.

"You will be finding no one later" a commanding voice hisses.

"Go away Jeb" I huffed.

I could feel his eyes boring holes into the back of my head. I flopped down on my bed. He crossed his bare arms glaring at me. I could hear his sandaled foot taping angrily.

"Steve he's not like you think. He's evil" Jeb said. I glared back at him.

"Maybe you're wrong about him?!" I barked back. I didn't understand why that angered me. Jeb was taken aback.

"If he kills you expect to be in hell" Jeb grumbled then disappeared. I sank into my bed and pulled the covers up to my nose. I yelped as I felt fingers running through my hair

"Hello again Stephen" a voice breathed. I looked up; Herobr-no Brinery smiled at me. It looked weird on his face unnatural.

"Hello Brinery" I replied. I smiled unbeknownst to it's presence upon my face.

"I'm sorry about giving you false hope" he says glancing at the floorboards.

"What do you mean" I ask intertwining my fingers with his.

"We can't be together" he says softly.

"Why the hell not?!" I demanded.

"Promises ancient promises" he says.

"What promises?" I asked.

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