│ holding out for a hero

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name:valerie ann thomas

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valerie ann thomas

the storm


lily collins


i don't give a hot, wet monkeys
ass what you think.

personality:if there was a single phrase to describe valerie, it would be "curiosity killed the cat

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if there was a single phrase to describe valerie, it would be "curiosity killed the cat." the only problem is she's not quite dead yet, so perhaps it's more the "satisfaction brought it back" part. she'll take nearly any route to find out what she wants as long as it's within reason, and both her mental and physical speed are often beneficial to this. upon first impression, it's not uncommon for her to be mistaken as someone with a lot of fire, but with further inspection comes the obvious fact of that matter that she's really just a bit teasing. though she has a fair amount of witty comments in her, they come to be because of how quick her mind is, not out of pure spite. she'll also take up a challenge with ease, especially if she's confident in whatever it involves, though she doesn't actually take them all that seriously for the most part. she's prone to rambling, both out loud and internally, since having her thoughts laid out before her helps to keep things organized. she's well-known for being able to make swift decisions, mainly because she tends to think over every possible outcome of something beforehand and thus she's normally equipped with answers when they're needed. heaping amounts of forethought are put into these decisions, as she's notorious for weighing every single pro and con of a situation before it can happen. logic and reasoning are two points that she prides herself on. she's very perceptive and uses her judgement to tie in with that. however, because the primary reason that she always has the answers is that she takes the time to run through them beforehand, she is actually pretty bad at deciding things on the spot. she was incredibly smart growing up, and still is today. after breaking her strong façade, you'll come to realize that she's actually incredibly kind and compassionate and will fiercely protect the ones she loves.

 after breaking her strong façade, you'll come to realize that she's actually incredibly kind and compassionate and will fiercely protect the ones she loves

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valerie grew up with her twin brother, louis and her loving father, stephen. her mother died when she was very young, her father told her it was in a car accident. turns out, her father - who was an incredibly successful scientist in new york - was actually experimenting on her mother, and when she passed away from the experiments - he turned to his children, using them as a way to test his newest creations. her brother passed away at age thirteen from "unknown causes" which was really another one of her father's experiments gone wrong. when valerie turned fifteen, she discovered she had the ability to move things with her mind. she took on the identity 'rogue' and began fighting crime in new york. after discovering what her father was doing, she realized that he was the reason that she got her powers in the first place. her father was shocked to discover that his experiment actually worked and he attempted to hold her hostage, but it didn't end so well for him, and val ended up having to kill her father. at the time, she was left with no family - that is until she met nick fury who set her up at the avengers headquarters. and soon she began to build up a new family with the rest of the avengers.

valerie has the ability to move things with her mind,
telekinesis if you will. when using her powers,
a bright blue aura can be seen surrounding her hands. she also has the ability, when she touches others, to sense their emotions or read their memories. she took up the identity of 'rogue' when she was fifteen, wearing a mask, but once she became an avengers, she no longer wears the mask.

disappointing the ones she
loves, spiders, not serving
justice, losing a teammate,
being manipulated, being
lied to

manipulating, keeping her composure,
managing her powers,
she's incredibly smart, she can act
quick on her feet

she allows her emotions to
build up, she's easily annoyed,
she has no patience, her anger
grows quickly

family: mother (deceased), father (deceased), brother (deceased)
friends: natasha romanoff, bruce banner, tony stark, steve rogers, bucky barnes, sam wilson
love interest: steve rogers

her favorite food is chicken
fried rice, she can't cook for shit,
she's closest with natasha, bruce,
and steve

miscellaneous:her favorite food is chicken fried rice, she can't cook for shit,she's closest with natasha, bruce,and steve

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"should i give you a minute to come up
with a different lie? cause that was some
straight up bullshit."

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