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She woke up in a pool of sweat. What had that dream been about? Must've been bad, not a lot scared her now a day's. Elizabeth wiped the sweat off her forehead with her arm. Nightmares and dreams, she hated them. They always seemed like looking at a blurry picture when she woke. Colours mixing together, sometimes not even that. Yawning she rolled out of bed and shuffled into the kitchen. After looking around she found that none of the food was quiet edible. "Hopefully Gemi will be back with some food soon.." Elizabeth mumured aloud to herself. A soft, white and black cat brushed against her legs purring, Elizabeth giggled at this. "Seems as if I've awoken the beast huh," she announced, "Oh please Zyler the great don't harm me for I am but a humble peasant!" The cat meowed and Elizabeth picked them up, "oh my your just my little Prince aren't you? My daring, charming Prince." Suddenly outside the bell of a bike rung out. "Be back in a second that will be Gemi!" Elizabeth set Zyler on the ground. Humming she walked to the front door, upon opening a strong smell of roses and other varieties of flowers wafted in. "Ah I see you've gone to the gardens down town, my dear sister," she giggled. A girl that looked drastically different from Elizabeth was standing outside the cottage with a bike, "maybe?" the girl said innocently. She took a bag of flowers and a bag of other items out of the basket attached to the bike. "You look a mess Eli! And today of all day's.. you're the one who's support to seduce that english man today. You promised you'd look your best so I could get the kill in!" She cried. "Oh you're right... I'm sorry I had another nightmare. I could get Ke to help me look my best. We do really need the money and I did promise." Elizabeth sighed. Shaking her head and tutting, her sister leaned the bike against the wall. But then something happened, it was so quick, so sudden, one moment Gemi was standing, the next she was a lifeless corpse. Blood matted her brown locks of hair. Her eyes fogged over and a final breath escaped her parted lips. She was dead...
Elizabeth shrieked, kneeling down next to her sister she lifted her head. Her skin seemed to have paled by two shades. Almost as white as the snow like skin of Elizabeth. Another shot rang out, the bullet hitting the wall in front of her. In the matter of seconds she was on her feet tearing off the necklace on her sister's neck and running into the quietness of the cottage. She picked up Zyler and ran into the back yard. Not even turning to look back, to grab any items, not even to see who was shooting or where the whispering noises were coming from, she ran and jumped over the fence. She sprinted down the street. How long she ran for she wasn't entirely sure. One thing was for sure though. Her sister wasn't the one the people were aiming for.
She was.

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