Cornered but not out

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Ironhide fired on the Decepticon as he roared in fury
the Decepticon cackling crazily in response to his anger,
He Had Found The Decepticon Outside Both Autobot and Decepticon territory. Cutting the Faceplates off a corpse of an Autobot.
and he was doing it next to the Autobots Grave...
Fresh reopened Grave At that.
"Come back here Con Scum!"
Ironhide shouted as the Decepticon went around a Cliff,
He pursued around after him
When A Energy net shot out at him
And he was slammed into the cliffside.
Which then caused Rocks to fall and buried him under
Them. thus it all went black for Ironhide,
~~~ Timeskip ~~~
"Umm, Ace! Come here real quick would ya!"
"What have you found this time Steel Pistol?"
"An Autobot who is still alive, Cap!"
A Mostly Blue Mechling sought out where his friend was
Searching for scrap metal to use later.
He found a Gold and Grey Mechling carefully moving Rocks away From a Knocked out Dark Red and Black Mech,
Captain Ace's Optics Narrowed as
he looked over the Knocked out
Autobot. He looked back the way
he came and thought of the half Eating
Body of a Decepticon they had found before this,
"Help me get him back to the Base, Steel,"
Captain told his slightly younger friend
as he grabbed the Autobot's
Chest and Steel Pistol grabbed His Legs clumsily
He blurted one, Two, Three, Lift!"
Together They lifted the Autobot between them for he was
A little bit too big for them to do much else.
But they get him back to Their base somehow,
~~~ Small Timeskip ~~~
🐝🚖🐝 Of Sparkling Bumblebee🐝🚖🐝
" oh, Hi ... Hack?!... We are so Offline Cap!"
"I think the only one Who is in danger of being
offlined is Captain, Marchcry is wanting you, Steel...
Go to her, I'll help Ace bring Road Aid this injured Mech..."
A slender Whiteish-blue Femling said as she helped Captain
Hold The Autobot. gently she used her Tentacles
to turn Steel Pistol away in the other direction.
Captain Ace and Hack get the Autobot to their makeshift
Medical bay with Their Head and only Medical bot was waiting, Ace stopped for a moment to say to his silent friend
"Steel and I found a fresh Half-Eating
Decepticon Corpse before we found the Autobot, Hack...
We need to move on again, soon."
Hack looked over at her friend Concerned
"How many times does this make it Ace,
And Who exactly are we running from?
You have still not told anyone who wants us all offline,"
Captain was quiet as they made it to the doors
That Leads to the Medical bay.
Hack reached out with her Tentacole to knock on the doors,
When a scowling white and Silverish-grey
Mechling opened the door He stepped aside letting them in,
The three of them together get The Adult Cybertronian
on The berth in the room.
"so ... This is what took you, Captain."
The White and Silverish-grey Mechling grumbled
As he checked over the Autobot
"it seems, That he was just knocked out...
And he will have a helmache when he onlines,
Refueling is an order. But besides that Nothing is a big concern, Hack, Can you ... Thank you,"
Hack was holding two Energon cubes,
The white and Silverish-grey Mechling went over to a cabinet
He grabbed the almost empty sliver shavings Jar.
Putting a few in, he then put that back in the cabinet
The Mechling picked up the cooper and gold shavings jar
Put a few of them in the Energon too
He grabbed it and then shook it hard,
Road Aid Vented in annoyance as he walked to the Autobot.
He shook the Autobots shoulder as Ironhide mumbled
"no... Ratchet... I don't need any medical attention."
"I'm Not Ratchet, But are all Autobots as reckless as you?"
Road Aid Ask the still half-out of it Autobot.
As he shoved the Energon without the shavings in Ironhide's hand When he reached up to rub his helm,
Road Aid turned and walked to a smaller Berth
That had been made into a sparkling crib,
A greyish-white with tiny gold details
sparkling had sat up and was holding
out his little Servos to the approaching Road,
The sparkling Cooed happily as Road picked him up
"You're not Ratchet... Where the The All Spark am I?"
Ironhide said as he tried to seat up
Road walked back to him as he feeds the Sparkling in his arms, "We are a two sol's drive from the Autobot base in Iacon,
But we are in the tunnels under the city of Kalis, "
"What?! Under Kalis... But It's..."
"A ghost town? ... Littered with corpses And destroyed buildings?" Road Aid Ask grimly,
Ironhide winced but nodded
"Well, both Autobots and Decepticons abandoned Kalis
So. It's safer than occupied cities..."
"honestly, the only things you need to watch out for are Scraplets, Acid rain, and other wildlife but that's about it,"
Road Aid said as he put the now empty Energon bottle down.
He rubbed the Sparklings back as he shoots Ironhide a look
Then looked at the full Energon cube by his servo.
He rolled his Optics suddenly, and gently shaving the sparkling into the Autobots Servos, he snatched the Energon
And seat it where the Autobot could reach it if he wanted to,
But where the sparkling couldn't knock it over.
He went to the door and opened it quickly
Making the three younglings who were leaning on
The other side of the door fell into the room in a pile,
"You Three here for a check-up? Or are you
Making Mischief again, "
He asked as he grabbed the ring leader
of the mischief-making by the door wing,
The other two ran off laughing as Their sulking Leader was pulled into the Medbay.
Road Aid closed the door back as he kept a hold of the leader.
He set him down in front of him,
Road kneed down and looked at him
"Gunfire, What have we told you about playing around
Inside here, We all know that the tunnels can carry a lot of noise. And that means it's not very safe,"
The Black and Gold Youngling whined,
"But We were being careful Road! We didn't go topside or into the tunnels that led out of the city, ...
but when we heard Captain and steel,
Come back with a hurt Autobot...
We just wanted to meet the Autobot... Sorry Road,"
"All right, If it's okay with..."
"The designation's Ironhide, Kid."
" you three can ask him a few questions each,
That Alright with you, Gunfire?
But then you Youngling's Must leave Ironhide,
alone to heal up, " Gunfire grinned and nodded
then turned to run out of the room
Most likely to go find his friends and tell them,
Road Aid vented as he looked at the ceiling.
The Sparkling whining made him look over at Ironhide
Who was trying to get the little one to stop,
But the Grumpy Sparkling was not having it.
He waved his little servos furiously at the Autobot
"he most likely needs his filter Changed, I'll change it."
Ironhide handed the mad sparkling to Road Aid,
Was quick about switching his Filters.
After that he handed Ironhide back the sparkling
"Gunfire and the twins
are a handful sometimes... Most of the time, "
Road said as he went to the door,
he opened it and stepped aside right before
Gunfire and his friends come bolting in,
Suddenly Ironhide was faced with
three Little excited faces And A Lot of questions.
Road snickered softly as he walked down the hall
and into the room next door,
Where He Found Hack washing the empty Energon Cubes.
He asks her as he grabbed a full one and starts refueling,
"where'd Captain, Go Hack?"
"He went back out, looking for more Silver shavings and Energon, and he did refuel this time Aid."
Was her quick reply
Road Aid nodded as he put the empty cube down,
He turned to leave the room.
"The Autobots Designation is Ironhide, and
most likely Ace will not be back
Until the last Sol of the next Cycle. "
Hack nodded silently to him,
Road Aid left the room and the door closed
Leaving her to finish the clean up quietly
She vented Silently as her mask lifted to show
Her faceplates With terrible scars all over her faceplates,
She rubbed her faceplates gently with her servos
"Why must we hide in here in the darkness and shadows,
When do you intend to let others help protect us, Ace?"
She vented quietly after she said that to herself, as her mask
Came back down Hiding her face from the world once again.
~ Road Aid Pov~
you're a Glitch Ace.
What will it take for you to
admit that you're only One Mechling,
And there is no shame in asking for help,
Road Aid thought to himself in annoyance
~ Normal Pov ~

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