Chapter 3

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(Y/n) continued walking aimlessly down the streets. Probably not the smartest nor safest decision for a young woman in a strange city at night, but she made sure to stay on the more lit paths, and not wander down any dark allies. She wasn't that stupid.

The night was calm and quiet, the only sounds that filled the air was that of the chirping cicadas that were hiding throughout the town, and of her own heels clicking on the stone pavement. Unsurprisingly nobody else was out at this hour on a Wednesday night. She looked down at her wrist where a dainty gold watch hung and sighed, the hour was now past ten o'clock. It was getting late, and (Y/n) was aware that the later it got, the more danger she was potentially putting herself in. It was time to call it a night. The only problem was that she did not exactly have anywhere to go.

(Y/n) had decided to not tell her friends, Valt and Rantaro, of her ambitions of joining BC Sol. She wanted to keep it a surprise and witness the looks on their faces when she would show up without warning. She also did not want anyone else on the team to form any opinions of her or make any assumptions until they could see her in the flesh. It seemed like a good idea at the time, now, however, not so much. The only two people she knew in the city had no idea she was there, and she had no idea where they were.

"Great job," she muttered sarcastically to herself as she turned onto a smaller little street, away from the main pathways.

(Y/n) had to find a place to stay the night, but she had yet to come upon any hotels. Odd. El Astro was a small city, perhaps even town-like, she can admit, but it was also home to a world-renowned beyclub. She had assumed that the city would attract some tourists, but supposedly not, as evident by the lack of temporary housing. She kept walking down the small street, hoping to find anything or even anyone who would be able to help her out.

Twenty minutes of thoughtless lefts and rights had finally led her to an inn that was tucked away on such a small street, that most people would have missed it. She looked at the old tiny sign with the fading words 'la pequeña posada' painted on in a shade of scarlet so deep, it was a bit unsettling. She looked back down at her watch and sighed, It was almost eleven o'clock. This place was going to have to do. It was only for one night anyway, what could go wrong.

(Y/n) took a deep breath and pushed open the old mahogany door, which was a lot heavier than it appeared. She had to put her entire weight into opening the door enough so that she and her luggage could slip through. The door shut with a dramatic 'thud', and she wondered if it was too late to turn back.

"I'm already inside," she said to herself under her breath, "might as well keep going. It isn't like I have anywhere else to go"

There was a narrow hallway, lit by a couple of candles that were on stands that were mounted on the wall. (Y/n) began her journey down the hallway, taking notice of the exquisite art that decorated the walls. Each piece seemed to tell a story, trying to communicate a message, however, one, in particular, caught her attention.

The colors were vibrant, rich, and saturated, jumping off the canvas, almost coming alive. The picture consisted of a few figures, creatures, some eerily familiar. A knight on top of a horse with armor, a yellow monster with a flame crown and horns along with black leathery wings and yellow plates, two dragons, a purple and white, both in the sky with their wings spread wide. (Y/n)'s eyes widened in realization as she took in some of the other figures. A giant three-headed green dog, a skeleton man in purple robes, a samurai with an enormous sword.

"No way..." (Y/n) gasped taking a step back

Valtryek, Roktavor, Wyvron and Lunior. Kerbeus, Doomsizer, Xcalius, Spryzen. All of her friends' bey's spirits were right there in front of her, painted on the canvas. They were gathered in a sort of circle, all on edge, all ready to fight at a moment's notice. There were other creatures in the 'circle' as well. (Y/n) did not seem to recognize them, however. A yellow dragon-like creature, and a black and purple beast, also with wings. These were just a few of the unfamiliar creatures that decorated the painting. Looking over the entire scene, was a sinister pair of masked black eyes, so dark it almost blended in with the night sky. The girl stepped closer to inspect the picture better when a shadow in the picture caught her eye. It appeared in front of all the creatures, seemingly in the middle of the previously established 'circle.' Looking very closely (Y/n) was able to deduce it was the silhouette of a woman. She seemed to be in the middle of all the chaos...

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