Chapter 4

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(Y/n) opened her eyes groggily, only to quickly shut them again as the sunlight which was peaking through the drawn curtains attacked her blurry vision. She sat up and groaned, bringing closed fists up to her eyes to rub away any remaining exhaustion.  She lowered her hands and placed them in her lap as she once again opened her eyes, this time prepared for the sun's bright rays. She looked around the unfamiliar room and momentarily panicked. Where was she? How'd she get here?

The events of last night came back to her and she relaxed. Right, she was in an inn in El Astro, Spain. Here to try out for BC Sol. Okay.

She studied the room more closely and noticed details she was too tired to have picked up on the previous night. The geometric floral carvings on the bedposts of the canopy bed she was currently in. How the curtains matched the duvet, both in color and material. The plush rugs on top of the deep mahogany floors and... the food which was placed on the small wooden table?

Okay, that was definitely not there last night.

(Y/n) crawled out of the pile of blankets she was wrapped in, and swung her legs over the side of the bed, standing up. Her bare feet met the cold wooden floors and a shiver ran up her spine, but she ignored it as she walked over to the table where the food was set out.

The girl's eyes widened in surprise and slight delight.

There, set on the table was a tray with a plate of steaming buttery blueberry pancakes, a glass bottle containing maple syrup and a cup of cold milk. On the top of the tray was a cloth napkin wrapped around silver utensils. Lastly just to ice the cake, there was a single white daisy in a small purple vase on the side of tray.

'It could be poisoned' (Y/n) thought, finding it quite odd that such a nice meal was just laid out for her to enjoy in the morning, but her skeptic thoughts were betrayed by her own stomach which coincidentally chose that moment to growl rather obnoxiously.

"...Fuck it" the young girl muttered as she pulled out one of the two wooden chairs and sat down to enjoy the hardy breakfast. "If I die, then I die" 

She didn't die. In fact (Y/n) enjoyed the delicious meal a lot, and was very grateful for whoever made it for her. 'Probably the old Woman' (Y/n) thought as she finished up her meal, wiping her mouth with the cloth napkin.

(Y/n) pushed her chair out and stood up, stretching for the sky as she did so. She looked back down at the table and collected all of the dirty dishes onto the tray and made a mental note to bring it down and help the old woman with any dishes. 'It's the least I can do' she thought. She then moved on to the messy bed, flattening out the sheets, fixing the comforter, and rearranging the pillows. She stepped back to admire her handy work and nodded slightly to herself, pleased with the result.

(Y/n) then went to the corner where she threw her luggage last night and retrieved her backpack, inside of which contained a spare set of clothes and all of her toiletries, such as shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, her toothbrush and other necessities. She grabbed her bag and made her way to the ensuite bathroom.

The bathroom had a similar color scheme as the bedroom, plush crimson bath rugs were on top of the tile flooring and a matching shower curtain was hung with brown embroidery. She placed her bag on the marble countertop. She pulled out her toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste and brushed her teeth. After putting her things away she walked over to the bathtub and turned on the shower, adjusting the water until it was the right temperature. Mildly scolding.

She stripped out of her dirty clothes and stepped into the hot water. She stood their for a couple of minutes, letting the water and steam just engulf her. She slowly made her way through her normal routine, taking her time, using these moments to mentally prepare herself for the obstacles she was to face later today. 'It'll be fine' she thought to herself repeating the words in her head as she carried on.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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