How to Cure a Spider's Hiccups | Part 2

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Back in the air, Peter calmed down as he got into the rhythm of swinging.







"Hey Karen?"

"Yes, Peter?"

"Is there anything else to go che-hic! on before I reach the Tower? That appliance store, maybe?"

"The scanner is indicating that the police have already arrive at the store, and have everything under control. Other than that, there is nothing that I am aware of."

"Thanks, Karen," Peter said, relieved that he would not have to embarrass himself in front of any more bad guys. Once was enough for the day.

"Hey, could you -hic!- let Mr. Stark -hic!- know that I'll be there -hic!- soon."

"I'm sorry, I didn't understand that. Do you mind saying it again?"

"Oh, never mind."


Arriving at the Tower, Peter was greeted by Friday, who informed him that Tony was in the lab, already working on the suit.

Knocking on the door, he heard a voice call out "Come in," and he stepped hesitantly into the room.

"Hey, kid," said Tony, looking up from the pile of metal in front of him. "How was school?"

"It was fine, I guess," came the muttered reply.

"Just 'fine'? You sure?"

"Oh, Mr. Stark, it was awful!" cried the boy, his resolve to not complain cracking. "First I missed the bus and had to run all the way to school, and then I got the hiccups and made a fool of myself in class. And then when I was patrolling on the way here, I hiccuped while I was catching some vandals, and they laughed and I got kind of mad."

He stopped talking and glanced sheepishly up at Tony. "I'm sorry for complaining. It's probably not that big of a deal."

Just embarrassing, he thought to himself.

"Don't worry about it, kiddo. I've done way more worse things in my life, which means that so far you're doing ok," the older man said with a wave of his hand.

"I was just wondering, though.. do you.. you know, have any idea how to stop me from hiccuping?" Peter asked desperately.

"Well, Avenger-ing doesn't usual result in chronic hiccups, so I'm afraid that I do not personally have any knowledge of how to remedy the current situation."

Peter's face fell.

Looking over at him, Tong noticed his forlorn appearance. "Don't worry, though, Pete, I'm sure Friday can find something to try."

At that, Peter's face lit up again, and two of them set to work.


"Friday, turn on the lights and my design testing camera. I wanna record the kid in case anything of interest happens."

"Yes, Boss," came the reply.

"Alrighty, then. Take one. What have you got for us, Friday-my-girl?"

"The first search result suggests drinking a glass of water through a straw."

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