A random work #1

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"Baby? It's time for dinner." She says with a bit of annoyance in her voice.

"Okay, mom. I'll be down in a second!" I stay quiet and wait until I hear her walking away from the door. As soon as she's gone I move my laptop off of my lap and sat it down onto my bed. I get up from my bed and walk over to my door. I look around one more time before opening my door and going downstairs.

"Cassie!" My little sister shouts. She gets down from her chair and rushes over to me, jumping up and down and tugging me toward the dinner table.

"Well, nice to see you've come out of your den." My older brother David says as he brushes the hair out of his face. My dad chuckles from the kitchen while tossing a bowl of salad.

"He's right. We don't see you outside of that room of yours much anymore." He walks over the table, placing the bowl of salad down in the middle and sitting down at the head of the table.

I pick my little sister Mona up and place her on my hip. "Yeah, but maybe that's because I don't want to see David's ugly ass face every day." My dad snorts but quickly shuts up when my moms come in the room.

"Cassie, watch your mouth around your younger sister. And be nice to your brother."

"Yeah! You heard the big boss." David says while getting up and grabbing my sister from me.

"You guys are bad! Mommy said if you swear you have to add a dollar to the jar." I laugh as I watch her getting loose from David and shuffling into her chair.

I ignore the mention of the jar that's making me broke and take a seat at the end of the table close to my mom. She looks at me and brings her hand over to smooth my hair down. I quickly swat it away and scowl at her. "Hiss. Remove your hand from my precious skull, lowly human."

She sighs and gives me a look while placing her hands back into her lap. "Alright. Since all of the babes are present it's time for dinner." My dad says while scanning the room to make sure the doggo, aka his favorite child, is present.

"Yes. Food! My one true love." My brother yells. My sister giggles and stuffs a spoon of mac and cheese into her mouth.

"Okay. Let's eat." She smiles at my father and asks him to pass the salad.

After piling our plates high with food the night dissolves into conversations about how our days went and my mom's work life. We laugh and take digs at one another and eventually the night ends with my brother getting stuck doing the dishes and my mom going to tuck Mona in.

And now it's only me and my dad at the table. He has a beer in hand and his chair turned towards the living room while he watches TV.

"Hey, dad?" I say while looking at the TV to avoid any possible eye contact.


"Are you gonna miss me when I go off to college?" He sighs and sets his beer down on the table, still looking at the TV.


OKAAAAAAAAY! I'm done! I made it! 500 words woo! Heck yeeeeee be proud of me random internet people

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