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Bakugou's POV
Deku was looking at me during class for awhile. I don't know what going on with him but his staring makes me blush, of course I could never tell him that I like him though...
That's not something a bakugou does now is it?

Anyway after class I decided to ask Deku why he kept staring at me during class after everyone left the classroom. He look at me for a second then turned away. ???? What the fuck???

"Deku are you ok?"

"Kacchan... there's something I need to tell you. It been on my mind for awhile now and-".

"Well don't just cut off mid sentence! Tell me what it is!"

"Kacchan I'm sorry but..... I love you".

I jumped away from him as he said that. How could someone I bullied for so long love me? I acted like I hated him... and yet he loves... me?

He blinked tears away from his eyes as I look at him in disbelief. I try to say something but I just can't. My face grows stern and angry as I get mad with myself. 'Why can't I even do this right? I love this boy and he loves me. Why can't I say I love you too?' 'You're so stupid' 'I can't believe he fell for YOU!' I think to myself.

I think these toxic thoughts and start to cry as people start to fill the classroom. Deku looks around scared and starts backing away from me. I grab him by the arm and yell.

"Deku, why the hell would I love a loser like you? As if you are good enough for me! I-I HATE YOU!"

Deku gasps and the tears start falling from both of our eyes. He turns to me before leaving and says "If you don't love me too then why are you crying?" After that he runs out of the classroom. I try to run after him but the stares of my classmates stop me. I can feel the hatred in their stares.

"What!?" I yell.

They all start screaming harsh words at me. They scream what is wrong with you, they scream how could you do that, but the one phrase that sticks with me is 'Go kill yourself bakugou'.

I smirk and yell, "Maybe I WILL kill myself."

Everyone stop talking at ones and with concerned faces stare at me as I run out of the class and up onto the rooftop.
No one follows me.

Deku's POV
I can't believe bakugou would say those things to me. Why would I even think that me could love me back. I decide to run home where my mom and dad are waiting. I look All Might in the eyes and say "Dad, I need you help," as I collapse onto the floor in tears. He and my mom run up to me attacking me with so many questions. I wonder what bakugou is doing now. I wonder if he is laughing at me with his friends. I wonder why he was crying too...

I turn towards my parents and say, "Bakugou turned me down today. I really thought that I could finally have my happily ever after with him, but the class walked in and he was yelling at me. I felt so stupid that I ran out of the classroom and all of the way home."

All Might responds, "I guess I need to have a talk with young bakugou. Do you know where he might be?"

"He is probably still in the classroom."

Time skip brought to you by someone to took a quick break to get some shit together for a quick minute

We arrived at the school 15 minutes later. We run into my classroom and ask where bakugou is. They all look around uncomfortably and mutter almost silently, "Probably on the roof."

"Why would he be there?" I ask.

"We told him to kill himself for what he said to you and he said he might then ran out of the classroom."

"Ok guys so you are telling my you told someone already crying and struggling with self esteem to kill themselves? Honestly guys... what that fuck. Like what the actual fuck is wrong with you people. It does now matter if he turned down my love. So many people get tuned down a day, why am I any different? Also you never ever want to tell someone that I love to kill themselves. Got it? I know you're my friends, but you don't have to be." I say as I run out of the classroom and use one for all to blast myself up the stairs.

I find bakugou on the roof.

Standing near the the edge.

He's singing a song.

It goes a little like this 'My legs are dangling off the edge
The bottom of the bottle is my only friend
I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm gone, gone, gone
My legs are dangling off the edge
A stomach full of pills didn't work again
I'll put a bullet in my head and I'm gone, gone, gone'

He sings this for a bit then ends it off with '
I wish that I could fly, way up in the sky
Like a bird so high
Oh I might just try
I wish that I could fly, way up in the sky
Like a bird so high
Oh I might just try
Oh I might just try'

Then he jumps or at least he tried to, but All Mighr transforms and jumps from the ground to save bakugou.

He lands on the roof with a startled and crying bakugou in his arms. I don't think he sees me. But I can hear him mutter "Deku I didn't mean to. I didn't means to. I love you too!" Then he yells "I LOVE HIM TOO!".

All Might looks at bakugou before turning him towards me. I look at him all teary like for a moment before he runs over and kisses me. He kissed me like he'll never kiss me again. "I live you too" he whispers into the kiss. It sends shivers down my spine. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss back. His hands are on my waist and his tongue is already in my mouth exploring every part of it. And I am loving every second of it.

We break the kiss and laugh with our foreheads touching. I look at him only to see All Might in the corner of my eyes staring at us.

"Ah... um young ones... Should I leave?"

"Please do dad."

"Okay" he responds as he walks down the stairs.

I look back at bakugou to see him still staring at me. "What is it? Do I have something on my face?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says, "my lips." He says as he goes back in for another kiss. We stand there on the roof for awhile just laughing and making out.

Gosh I really love this man. 💕

Bakugou's POV
Dang Deku's kisses feel goooood.

I'm so glad that I love this man. 💕

This chapter is 1189 words not including this note i want to say sorry for being gone so long I need to figure some stuff out. I hope anyone who still reads this understands. Also this idea was not really mine I got this idea from @SweetYume  ( I hope I got their name right ) annnywho bye.

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