No Friends

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Bakugou's thoughts
I've never had a real friend before. Some people may say that when I was a child I had friends. I didn't, those were followers. Some people may say that Kirishima or Kaminari are my friends. They aren't. The only reason Kirishima talks to me is because he's a good hero and knows he needs to be on good terms with his classmates. Kaminari and I just don't really get along well. So like I said, I've never had a real friend before.

Well, at one point... I might have had a friend.. But I pushed him away and I'm sure that he wants nothing to do with me. I bullied him for years as I slowly became more and more unstable. I slowly destroyed a person and it destroyed me in the process. His name is Izuku but as everyone knows, he's Deku now.

Sometimes it hits really hard that no one actually likes me. It breaks my already broken soul even more. Think about it, so many people live their childhood not having a single friend. I'm lucky enough to not be bullied.

I used to be confident, now I'm just unsure. I'm not sure if I love myself. I'm not sure if I want to live... that's a lie. I do know the answer to that one. The answer is yes. I don't want to be plagued by the responsibilities of being alive anymore. When I told my dad I wanted to kill myself you'll never guess what he said...

"You're too young to be sad"
"As if you would"
"What do you have to be sad about"

I'm sure if you've ever told someone you're sad you've heard something similar. I know the author has (hehehehehhe he knows me) I mean I guess they are right. What do I have to be sad for? Nothing. I just am.

Now that we have that out of the way. Why don't we begin the next day of my life.

Bakugou's POV
I wake up to the sound of my mom yelling at me, which is normal for me. I get out of bed, put on my uniform, brush my teeth, and eat breakfast.

I say bye to my mom as I walk out the door. I start in the direction of the school as I let my thoughts take over my mind.

Look at this! I actually got up this morning. I should have stayed down. I'm disgusting. No one likes me. I have no friends. Deku hates me. I hate me.

I should turn around and go back home.
I can't go back home, mom would kill me.
I don't want to go to school...
I should skip.
I can't skip, mom would kill me....
I want to kill me.

I awaken from my thoughts to see that I've arrived at the school gates. I walk in despite the fact that my mind keeps telling me to turn around. I spot Deku talking to his friends. Ha, I wish I had those.

Me and Deku make eye contact and I quickly look away, but I can feel his eyes on my back as I walk inside the school.
He stares at me in class too.
He stares at me during lunch as I sit alone.
He stares at me in class again.

School is over in ten minutes. I only have to endure ten. more. minutes. I hear the bell ring and get my stuff together so I can head home when Deku comes over to me and taps me on the shoulder.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Meet me on the room in fifteen minutes." He responds with extreme confidence. What? Meet him on the roof?

I go to respond, but he's already walking away by that time. I guess I have no choice. I finish getting my things together and start toward the roof.

When he gets to the roof

I arrive at the roof and see that Deku is already here. He's probably here to tell me he hates me. I tap on his shoulder and he turns around. I raise an eyebrow at him and he begins to speak.

"Kacchan, I know something is wrong with you. The look in your eyes is sad. What happened to you. Why are you so sad? What's wrong?"

I look at him in disbelief. "I'll tell you what's wrong. I fucking HATE myself. I hate waking up. I hate going home. I hate coming to school. I hate my attitude. I hate my face. I hate my hair. I hate myself."

He just stares at me "Why didn't you tell your friends about this?" he asks.

"Why didn't I tell my friends? You really wanna know? It's because I have no friends. And you know what, that's ok. I don't need them anyway. I do my best all on my own, and I'd just rather be alone." I answer.

He stares at me in disbelief. "No friends? So I've been lying to myself all this time? I think of you as a friend. I thought that you thought so too."

"You think of me as a friend? I thought you hated me! I thought you would never forgi-"

"Never forgive you for bullying me? I don't care anymore. I could never, ever hate you. You know why? Because I love you!"

"You love me," I state, "why didn't you say so sooner? I love you too! I've been in love with you since we started this school year. But I still don't understand how you can lo-"

My sentence is cut off by a pair of lips that are pressing against mine. They're Deku's lips. Deku's lips are on mine. AND IM NOT DOING ANYTHING?!?!?

I start to kiss back and quickly slip my tongue into his mouth. I explore every single inch of his mouth. He moans in pleasure which only makes me want to kiss him harder. I pull his body impossibly closer to my own. We break apart for a split second for a breath and then immediately go back to kissing. He wraps his legs around my waist and lets me carry his to the door. I pin his body to the door and kiss him for a few more seconds before breaking apart. A string of saliva connect us. I whisper in his ear "Well, that was fun,". I feel him shiver.

We talk for another hour or so and decide that we we at to try dating. Let me tell you, I could not be happier. I went from thinking I had not friends to having a boyfriend in one day.

What a good day I had.
I'm glad I got up this morning.
I'm glad I didn't got back home.
I'm glad I didn't skip school.
I'm glad that someone showed me how to love myself.

Thanks for reading. 1150 words. I appreciate you all. also this is partially based off a song called 'No Friends' the chorus is dope but the beginning is kinda weird. Hope you all have a great day. See you all soon.

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