Chapter 1

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"Emily, nothing good ever happens. Nothing. Why should I keep trying." Those words really hurt me. I hated seeing him like this. He had so much ahead of him. So much. But he always throws it away. "Colby stop. I want so much for you and I know other people do too." I really did believe those words. He was so talented. He could easily get into any college he wanted with his baseball skills. You should see him play. He's amazing. He sent me back a snap with a picture of him crying into his probably now half filled bottle of vodka. Oh how it killed me to see him like that. I don't think he knows just how much I love him. I've never told him, never showed it, but god did I. So much tells me to stay away, to just be his friend. But I couldn't help but to love him. How could I not? Me and Colby have never been close. Not up until this recent year. We've always been friends but never the ones to hang out or go out of our way to talk. And I don't know how, but we somehow became more, we became the type of friends to open up to each other about things. I guess the biggest thing about Colby is that... he's a drug addict.

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