Chapter 2

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I was working a regular Wednesday night when Colby came through the doors. He asked to speak to our manager. As he waited for him to come he told me he'd be applying to work here. Can't lie, I was definitely looking forward to that. Of course Colby got the job that same night, I mean why wouldn't he? He's perfect for it. Next thing I know we're working together three nights a week. I always enjoyed those days with him. He made the days go by so much faster, he was the only one I could really talk and laugh with. We both had other relationships at the time but I felt something for him, and while I can't speak on his feelings, I think he saw me as more than just some friend. We had lots of good times, months went by and we became pretty close. Their was one specific moment where I completely bashed on him for something that happened between him and his ex and I still feel bad for it till this day. I had my facts all wrong and never knew till months later but he still forgave me anyway after only a couple of weeks. Those weeks we didn't talk were the hardest. Anyways, eventually he ended up leaving, moved on to another job and with that our friendship started to die. Not seeing each other on a regular basis really affected things and we soon went back to just the regular friends we were, who didn't go out their way to speak to each other.

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