Chapter 3

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It was the start of second semester. A whole new set of classes, classmates, and teachers. I loved everything about last semester and going into this next one was a bit overwhelming for me. It was 2:05 when it became time to switch to our last class, the day had been going fine and all my classes seemed okay. I walked in and there he was. Colby. Instantly we sat together , being the only ones in the class who we actually liked. "Jason sucks, you know that?" He teased as I had a shirt design from earlier in the day. That day, I knew I'd just be looking forward to my last class every day. Me and Colby talked about all kinds of things and with each passing day, we felt more comfortable with each other. It felt just like the days when we use to work together, and we brought up those days a lot too. The difference with this was that me and Colby actually started to talk more than just in the classroom, we would text every now and then and if I saw him, I'd make sure to at least say hey. We were rolling around baseball
season, and not only did I love baseball games, but I loved seeing Colby. Watching him play was something else, you could tell it was something he was passionate about. In class he use to tell me about his dreams of being able to play professionally and about how much he believed in himself. Trust me, if you were there, it would've lit up your heart too seeing the way he talks about baseball.

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