Chapter 8

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"There are absolutely no metaphors I can think of that match the situation we're in," Raven watches the sleeping giant warily, "should we just... go for it? Or-"

"We need to plan at least a little," Alfur starts, "if you just wing it, it's not going to end well-"

"Wing it," Hilda echoes, before her eyes light up with inspiration, "oh, that's it! Raven, you can transform and try cutting off some fur with your talons- without hurting him, of course. Alfur, Twig and I can collect what you got."

The other three gaze back at her blankly.

"The poor guy's probably going to think this was an assassination attempt," Raven hides his face with his wings, "but I guess for the sake of getting this over with, it's worth a shot."

Raven flies into the air and transforms after taking his passengers safely behind the giant's literal boulder of a pillow. Lightning strikes through the air, causing the giant to stir awake in surprise.

"He signed the contracts, so he can see us," Alfur warns Hilda, "we have to be quick."

Raven starts to glide downwards, his massive wings creating ripples of wind, blowing leaves and clouds alike backwards, and drifting in circles- as if the earth and sky were dancing, in his wake. He stares down at his target, quickening and mentally preparing himself for the consequences.

The giant began to stand up until he saw the thunderbird had his talons out, sharp and menacing. He gasps and ducks, giving Raven the perfect opportunity to strike.

Twig clung to Alfur and Hilda tightly before the windy aftermath of thunderbird wings could blow them away.

It was quick; only a mere moment, but in the seconds afterwards, it was as if it were raining blue strands of fur around the stone bed. Alfur looked moderately disgusted at the sight, but gathers up what he could. Hilda jumps into action as well. Twig tries to pick some up, but chokes and spits it out, whimpering.

"It's okay, boy! We have enough," Hilda assures him as Alfur leaps onto his head and pulls Hilda up with him, both elves with big clumps of fur in tow.

The Raven becomes small again, and hides behind the rock with them, looking terrified.

"We may have a problem..."

"What... what happened?" The giant gets to his feet and looks around. When he turns his body so the backside is facing the travelers, the four of them gasp in shock.

Raven's talons practically shaved the giant's rear end.

Hilda stifles a laugh, and Alfur's cheeks turn bright red as he drops his fur pile and wipes his stubs on his tunic before covering Hilda's eyes. Twig makes a little groaning noise, as if he had expected this- and promptly just throws up.

"Missed my mark a little," Raven explains.

"A little," Alfur echoes, his voice dripping with indignation.

"I don't have good aim," Raven sighs.

"You can basically see your reflection in his-"

"We need to go," Hilda remarks.

The giant turns back around to see them, having realized his situation while they bickered. He glares daggers at them, his face turning a darker red by the second.


He reaches down to grab the four of them in his fist. Raven transforms again, but the angry giant punches him backwards, sending him through the trunk of an iron pine.

"RAVEN!" Hilda and Alfur scream as the giant picks them up, along with a squirming Twig.

"How dare you," the giant booms, "deface me like this while I'm trying to sleep!? I could have had a heart attack when I saw that bird coming! And- and-"

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