Big Brother

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Chavez will never forget the night he found that little Mexican girl she had to have been four maybe five years old when he found her in that alleyway she was shaking like a leaf she had blood all over her as well as cuts and bruises Chavez walked over towards the little girl he felt bad for her he kneeled down in front of her when he did she flinched at the sight of him Chavez slowly offered his hand towards her he placed it on the side of her arm as if he was trying to tell her that he meant no harm towards her he saw that she had been crying there tear stains on her cheeks she looked up at Chavez all scared and alone he held his arms out towards her at first she was scared but then realized that he was just trying to hold her to try and comfort her she gave in in a heart beat Chavez cradled her in his arms he wrapped her up in his jacket to keep her warm she was also cold and hungry he took her over to Beaver's where the rest of the boys were hanging out to get her something to eat when they got there Beaver was not in a good mood he was cursing Billy out for being rowdy as usual but Billy was just being Billy crazy Billy at it again as John Dick and Doc said boys will be boys once Chavez walked in Beaver looked over towards him

Not another one of those vagrants again Beaver said

Oh Beaver knock it off will you the poor little one's scared as hell I found her she was all alone out there so I brought her in

Everything's going to be alright you're going to be alright little one Chavez said softly so he wouldn't frightened her

The little girl clung tightly with her arms wrapped tightly around his neck her head was leaning against his shoulder as he carried her  over to the table he had asked how she was what her name where her parents but she didn't respond it was only then he figured out that she was mute she seemed in some sort of shock like maybe she had a traumatic event happen to her they sat down at the table the same table that Chavez sat at before he thought he was going to die from that fatal gunshot wound to his stomach he sat there cradling the little girl in his arms she was sitting on his lap her head leaning on his chest her eyes were getting heavy she was starting to fall asleep she was still shaken up but was too tired to think about anything that has happened to her Chavez continued to cradle and rock the little girl he would sometimes look down at her from time to time making sure she was okay he did it so much that he didn't see or hear Billy walk in

What are you doing Chavez? Billy asked

Chavez looked up at Billy a little startled he didn't hear him come in Billy walked over towards them and sat down Chavez had reviled the little girl she was fast asleep her head was resting on his chest as he rocked her slowly in his arms she yawned softly Chavez thought that was kinda cute he remembered how his little baby sisters used to do that when he held them Billy could see how moved Chavez was towards this little girl he knew He would make a great big brother even better a father nonetheless Chavez  had found a blanket he wrapped the blanket around the little girl she was shivering and cold He held her tight not too tight but tight enough to show that he cared about her she yawned softly again then rubbed her head against his chest Chavez smiled softly then he picked her up and walked into a spire bedroom that Beaver kept in case someone was hurt or sick and are on the run from the law Chavez laid the child down onto the bed draped the blankets over her body kissed her gently on the forehead then walked out of the room he was letting her rest she had been through a lot

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