Becoming attched

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Over time things slowly started getting better for little Cecilia Chavez took care of her as a big brother figure should Cecilia never talked much she was about like him everything was going fine until one day when Cecilia fell through a frozen stream she had asked Chavez if she could go get some fresh water from the small stream it was February of 1882 so it was cold outside but Chavez thought as long as she had a coat on and didn't do anything to where fell in then he was fine she grabbed her jacket that Chavez got here to keep warm and she went outside Chavez thought he should go with her in case something happened and sure enough something did happen Cecilia was getting the fresh water when suddenly the ice broke and she fell through she screamed and Chavez heard and quickly jumped into action he rushed to her he kneeled down and held out his arms

Cecilia it's okay just swim towards me Chavez said

Cecilia swam as quickly as she could it took a little bit throughout the entire time she screamed and cried until she reached Chavez and he pulled her out he wrapped his jacket around her and held her close and tight he tried desperately to calm her down she was screaming like crazy she buried her face into his chest as he tried to console her

Cecilia it's... it' okay you're okay shhhh Chavez said rocking her in his arms

he gets up and walks towards Beaver's tavern carrying her when he got there several people were hanging out there it was a pretty usual busy place Chavez walked in carrying Cecilia's body bridal style she was shaking violently and was screaming and crying everyone who was there stood up worriedly and went to his aid

Chavez what's with that child? Beaver asked

She fell through a frozen stream she's a doctor and fast I'm going to set on the bed but get a doctor quick Chavez replied going towards the back bedroom that he and Cecilia had been staying since Chavez first found her

He lays Cecilia down but now she's developed a fever from being exposed to the cold he remembered how his mother used to treat the sick when he was still with his family he grabbed a bowl that had water in it and wash cloth he dapped the wash cloth into the water and gently dapped her forehead soon the doctor arrived and examined Cecilia the doctor was of course a woman Dr. Amanda Johnson was her name Dr.Johnson took a close look at Cecilia after that she turned her attention towards Chavez

Did you do marks on her? Dr.Johnson asked

"What? No I found her like that Chavez replied takin aback by the doctor's question

Well she's going to be alright uh she did suffer some sort of trauma but nothing too major um she has a fever but as long as you try and keep it down and give her medicine she'll be just fine  Dr.Johnson said

Thank you doctor Chavez thanked

Soon Doctor Johnson left and Chavez sat by Cecilia's bedside hoping and praying that she'll make through the night every so often he would try and bring her fever down by dapping her forehead with a wet wash cloth and give her some medicine that Doctor Johnson gave him he draped a Indian blanket over to keep warm he met an elderly Indian woman who would weave Indian blankets and jackets she made the jacket and blanket for him to give to Cecilia Chavez sat there for what seemed like hours until Cecilia woke up crying he pulled her closer to him trying to console her she was having a bad dream but he didn't know what the dream was about but nevertheless he continued to cradle her gently in his arms shushing her in a soothing tone of voice he even sang a Navajo song that his mother used to sing to him when he was just a little baby he sang the song until she finally fell asleep

Goodnight Cecilia I hope you're be alright Chavez whispered softly laying Cecilia gently down on the bed and then falling asleep himself

Hey guys it's me Valens17 uh I apologize if this chapter seems short uh I wrote this at 11:25 so I'm really tired so I'm sorry if it's too short and not great uh I'll try and post another update on this story tomorrow I don't know yet but we'll wait and see what happens thanks again you guys goodnight and bye now

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