Chapter 2. Becoming A Big Brother To A Little Girl

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Chavez didn't get any sleep at all that night he had been worried about the little girl he had found that night Chavez went and checked on the little girl she was sound asleep he smiled softly as he checked on her after he checked on the child he walked into where everyone was eating breakfast He sat down in the exact same chair that he sat in when he thought that he was going to die of fatal gunshot wound to his stomach that he got from one of Garret's men that Pat Garret he was a no good traitor he hunted them down and killed Doc wounded him and Billy among other things he couldn't get the little girl out of his head

Morning Chavez "what are you thinking about? Billy asked walking into the room and interrupting Chavez's thoughts

Chavez snapped out of it as he saw Billy walk into the room Billy looked gleeful and happy happy to be alive nonetheless he told Billy about how he was feeling about that little Mexican girl he told him how lonely she must've been and asked why someone would do such a thing to a child especially with a child her age he just couldn't wrap his head around why someone would just beat a child and leave him or her to die in an alleyway after awhile the little girl finally woke up and made her way towards Chavez the little girl walked over towards him rubbing her eyes tiredly Chavez gently lifted her up onto his lap and rocked her trying to keep her calm she had a blanket wrapped around her it was cold it was winter of 1882 January to be exact so it would make sense as to why she had a blanket around her she remained seating on Chavez's lap as she ate her breakfast after she ate her breakfast she yawned and stretched she was really tired and Chavez couldn't blame her but one thing was bothering him she wouldn't talk it was almost as if she was mute he tried to figure out what her name finally she told him everything but she did it by writing it down on a piece of paper

What's your name? Chavez asked

The little girl wrote her name down on the paper and showed it to him the name on the paper was Cecilia Chavez looked at the little girl then at the piece of paper then back at the little girl

Cecilia is that your name? He asked

Cecilia nodded and Chavez pulled her closer towards him as she yawned and rubbed her eyes she was tired and Chavez felt bad for her he cradled her in his arms as well as rocked Billy was getting jealous of Chavez giving all his attention to Cecilia he couldn't figure out why that little girl was even there and there was no way Chavez could take care of the little kid Billy had to clinch his teeth in order not to blow up on the little girl Chavez thought that Cecilia was tired so he let her go back to bed he stayed by her bedside and watched over her as she slept after awhile Chavez decided to go back to the table they were all sitting earlier and that's when Billy lost it

Chavez how could you possibly give your attention to that little girl? Billy asked

What you mean how can I possibly give my attention to her I don't understand what you're so upset about just because I'm paying attention to a little kid makes you unhinged or what Chavez replied back confused about Billy's temper tantrum over attention

She's stealing you away from me I'm the you should paying attention not her Billy grumbled

Chivito you're not a little kid you're a grown man you're 21 years old she's not she's four or five it's different for her than it is for you "I mean what was supposed to do just leave her there? "let her die? Chavez asked

Yes yes that's what you should've done I mean you're an outlaw you can't raise a child if you're an outlaw Billy said

And who's fault is that everything was all fine until you showed up we wanted to avenge John's death to but like the way you did you got several our  guys killed not to mention Doc who is dead because of you and I ended up wounded in the stomach of all places and almost died because of it so if it's anything it's your fault Chivito you got us into this mess we didn't want to be outlaws I sure hell didn't want to become an outlaw but I got branded as one thanks to you but at least I redeemed  myself and put someone first instead of being a thoughtless killer like you Chavez replied back

Billy was takin aback by what Chavez just said he couldn't believe after all these years of riding together and avenging John Tunstall's death that Chavez had the nerve to blame him for everything for getting everyone they love killed and everything else in between Billy sat down he glared at Chavez during the so called argument Cecilia woke up she walked out towards where Chavez and Billy were Chavez was pacing back and forth he only stopped when he saw Cecilia out of bed she started crying and she was shaking Chavez walked towards her and gently picked her up and hugged her he turned back to Billy and glared at him

Now look what you've done you woke her up and now she's crying and everything Chavez said

She should just leave us alone and never come back Billy lashed out

Chivito that is not going to happen not in her condition she's a little girl Chivito she has nobody she needs me she's staying here and that is final Chavez replied

Since when are you in charge of the gang? Billy asked being cocky

Since we don't have a gang anymore it's only the two of us Chavez answered

What about Hendry William French? Billy asked

He's not riding with us anymore he told me that last night Chavez said

Billy turned his back towards Chavez he walked over towards a table he stared at it for what seemed like a long time Chavez was still holding Cecilia who was scared and shaking like a leaf there were tears streaming down her face she clung tighter around Chavez's neck and buried her face into his chest Chavez held her comfortably trying to ease her pain

Ahhhhhhh! Billy lashed out flipping the table over then he walked out of the room

Chavez stood there surprised at Billy's reaction to everything he looked at Cecilia who was rubbing her eyes and was still crying Chavez did everything he could to calm her down he figured that she was probably still tired she had been through a lot but Chavez wanted to get to know her he figured when she wakes up and is feeling better is when he'll get to know her and find out why she's here Chavez entered the room and laid Cecilia down on the bed tucked her in and kissed her gently on her forehead then he sat back in the chair beside the bed for the reminder of it all

Have a good restful nap Chavez whispered before falling asleep himself

Hey guys it's me Valens17 here's an update on this story I want to give a quick shoutout to my new friend/follower Jackie who suggested the name Cecilia thank you for that also I'm sorry if this seems short but I other works to work on so if I don't update that's probably why and I don't usually write very long chapters so I just wanna say thanks for being so so supportive of this thank you again I also have some other works other than the three I posted I will some of those shortly as well so be on the lookout for them thanks again guys I will see you all later bye now

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