Origins ep 1 -Part 1

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In a particular forest there is a village populated by gnomes. these coexist in peace and harmony helping each other, without thinking about the risk they are all gentle.

There is a particular gnome who live in the surroundings called "owen". He is an orphan. his parents disappeared in an investigation of a mysterious mirror that is hidden in a giant bonsai tree from an unknown place.

After the disappearance of owen's parents, a sweet bonsai villager carpenter named "Gmack of goblins" takes care of owen as adoptive father. the help with the structures of the town and supplies of this, is hard, but efficient. During the course of the day Owen and Gmack help the village leader to rebuild the meeting lodge. they obviously use wood since for them wood is like the big iron bars.

but that does not take away the courage for the 2 assistants of the town, thus earning money as recognition of the town. doing favors for this place will help them to subsist.

Owen exclaimed with a very frightening doubt during the day:

-Mr. Gmack, do you know where the dark mirror is located?

Gmack responds with a somewhat doubtful expression for something that may be hiding something:

*Attention read with the voice of a worried old man*

- Owen you are not ready to know it yet, it is very dangerous both for you and for all people.

owen tried to convince Gmack to go to the area of ​​the bonsai of the east but showed his unfortunate side of desepción when knowing that he will not be able to go.

4 days later ....

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