< The J-word >

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" I always thought you'd come back. I-I-It's hard for me to say, I'm jealous of the way. You're happy without me."

" Okay. Let's make some rules. So that we will not be on each other throats next time, " said DD, bracing himself to hear what avni had planned.

Everyone sat in the living room. Waiting for avni to continue, in the early hours.

" Firstly, no outsiders are allowed. " avni started.

" Bu— "

" Ah, I'm not done yet! " avni smiled sweetly at ali, indirectly urging him to shut up.

" Umm, so where was I? Yeah, the first rule— no outsiders are allowed " avni repeated their first rulemaking the boys groan and glare at them impassively.

" Guys, Think rationally. It will be awkward either way. And, it can drag like today, unnecessarily " Sunehri piped in.

They gave a brief nod, urging avni to continue.

" The other—No booze, no smoking inside the condo. Before you interrupt me again, mind you; we might only live here for probably 2-3 weeks. So, till then keep booze and cig outside the condo, " Sunehri replied.

" Wh-what? You can't practically do that. How can we even survive without those? " shrieked ali.

Cringing, neil gave a smack on Ali's head and urged Sunehri to continue politely.

" And, you stay out of our business, and we'll do the same. Kay? " Avni smiled, not so politely.

Which often meant, they have to take the deal by the hook or by crook.

" Sure, kiddo. Let's finalize the deal, shall we? " DD approached avni and patted her head.

She nudged his hand and scowled at him, " I am 24. Not a kid anymore, you know? "

" Keep dreaming, " DD teased and left.

To say neil is jealous was an understatement. He always adored his best friend's- DD and his love- AVni's bond. And, it seemed to only grow with the time, unlike their bond, he thought sadly.


After finalizing the deal, everyone got back to their work.

Meantime, Avni's never-ending thoughts were disturbed by a loud ringtone. '

" Hello, " avni spoke as soon as she lifted the call.

" Hey, chotu! " the other person called.

" Oh, van is here! " Avni screamed.

" Abey, avi, quit yelling. And it's Vyan for god's sake " Vyan cringed at her nickname.

" Nah, it's van. "

" Okay, okay! I need your help, " Vyan said with a serious tone.

" Yes, boss! Got it " Avni smiled and kept her phone on a table.


Avni was pacing down the hall, thinking about how to make this so-called plan of Vyan's work.

That's when she got a brilliant idea. But, she needed someone to get the necessary items.

Who to send?

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