Into The Forest

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Jeff woke up to see the slowly rippling marine water, lapping at the long, black suited legs floating through it. The foam clung to the waves and swirled around the water, Jeff’s spinning head and blurry vision almost caused him to believe he was looking at the dark sky clustered with clouds. The Raven haired boy started to twitch, but he felt a sharp pain stab through his chest and he fell limp against the shoulder he was slung over. He let out a guttural noise, then his vision suddenly went blurry, almost like static from a tv was blocking his sight. He then blacked out once more.

“Hey, Newbie!! Why is my jacket in the fucking mud?!” The masked boy screamed, slamming open the dusty, broken wooden door to the cabin him and the other proxies shared. He let out an angry snarl, dropping the mud covered leather jacket on the floor, causing the mud to splatter on the ground. The goggle wearing boy exited the room they shared, “S-Sorry, I guess. Slipped o-out of m-my hands.” The boy stretched out his arms, a tiny smirk on his pale, sickly face. Tim began to stomp over to the boy, but was stopped when an orange hooded man stepped in front of him and blocking him. “Just leave it, he wants attention” he let out a prolonged sigh, giving the masked boy a pat on the shoulder before turning and walking off into a seperate room off of the living room. Tim rolled his dark brown eyes, scratching the bottom of his chin as he gave Toby a menacing glare. The brown haired boy gave a sardonic grin. “Oops” He giggled. That was Tim’s last straw. He growled and darted towards Toby, the orange goggled boy let out a screech and bolted off into the bedroom, but soon realized this was a very bad idea. There was nowhere to hide, their beds were just mattresses on the ground and they had one nightstand which was a cardboard box. All the windows were covered by metal wire, so there was no way he could escape. In the midst of his panicked thinking he was suddenly tackled by none other than Tim, who pinned him down to the cold concrete ground and promptly began to beat him down. He repeatedly punched Toby until he bled, which of course Toby couldn't feel. As soon as Tim started to lessen up on him Toby booted the male off of him and stood up as quick as possible, instantly his heel landed in Tim’s stomach over and over again. Tim wheezed and groaned, a few times attempting to stop Tobias’ foot from absolutely demolish his organs, but failed. But abruptly, both of their visions went blurry and staticky, and they felt drawn over to the front of the house. Toby hesitantly took his foot away from lil’ ol’ Masky’s tumtum, and started to make his way outside. Tim shakily stood up and followed.

When they finally made their way out, Hoodie was already standing outside. The three stood silently for a moment. Suddenly there was a quiet rustle in the jade bushes, fresh dew from the endless fog flicked off of the diamond shaped leaves, as an unnaturally tall figure emerged from the green, his solid white face stood out like the moon in the dark night sky. His deep, spine chilling voice could be heard. “Children, I’ve brought you a new brother. Bring him to the sleeping quarters and tie him down to a bed.” he commanded, taking the unconscious boy off of his shoulders and holding him bridal style. “Yes, father” The proxies said in unison. The Mask held out his arms, too which The operator dropped the boy in his arms. Masky grunted, the unconscious boy’s legs hit the ground, causing Tim to have to drag him inside. The Hood and Outcast followed closely behind. The boy twitched and moved a bit in his sleep, causing Tim to tense up and stop moving, but he never fully woke, lucky for him. When they finally made it into the bedroom Masky lazily tossed him onto the bed. “Hey Brian, you come tie him up, I’m going to make food” he stretched out his arms and turned back to the door of the room, lazily walking out of the sleeping quarters to the kitchen. The hood sighed in annoyance and walked into the sleeping quarters, where he opened up the ‘nightstand’ and pulled out a wheel of rope, he stepped closer to the unconscious boy on the bed and grabbed one of his wrists, he tied his ankles and wrists to each side of the mattress, leaving him in an...Uncomfortable position, to say the least. Just as Hoodie finished the last knot the boy began to stir. His panicked, wide eyes scanned the room, and soon landed on Brian. “Who are you?! Where am I?!?” Jeff screamed, trying to sit up but the ropes prevented him. “You piece of shit..I’ll fucking gut you if you don’t let me go right now!” He glared at The hood. Hoodie shrugged, “good luck with that, I guess” He hummed, swiftly turning around and making a B-Line for the door, to make sure Masky wasn’t eating his fucking brownies. Jeff screamed, “Get back here you bitch!” He yelled, pulling against the ropes which caused them to drive into his ankles and wrists. Brian ignored him and continued on his way to the kitchen.

Toby flinched as he saw the masked man enter the room, shuffling next to Brian for safety. Surprisingly though, Tim didn't hit him, or even glare at him. Which was albeit unusual but a huge relief for Tobias. Timothy walked over to the fridge, swinging the door open which almost caused the condiments in the cubbys of the doors to fall out. The broad shouldered male searched through the fridge for a few seconds before retracting his arm to show his selection of food was cold chimichangas from last night's dinner. Toby watched as Masky walked over to the small, dirty round table they all shared, sitting down at one of the four chairs. Outcast twitched slightly as he watched Tim remove his mask, the young, pale man examined Masky’s face, concentrating on every inch of his tanned skin, taking note of the slight stubble beginning to grow on his chin. Though he would never admit it, Toby had a slight obsession with Tim. He pushed back any thoughts of him being in love with Masky, which he definitely was. He believed he was just...Obsessed. He loved his face, every part of it, he hated having to stare at the emotionless white mask he always covered himself with. He adored getting attention from the man as well, good or bad. He wanted Tim’s eyes on him at all times, no matter if its a disapproving glare or a sweet and subtle  glance his direction. Hoodie was most likely aware of this fact too. But he wasn’t one to just go and not only out Toby as gay to everyone but also ruin his very little chances with winning Masky’s affection. But I would be lying if I said Brian hasn’t subtly attempted to coax them into each other's arms, and though his attempts have all failed so far, he can tell it's only a matter of time before they're all over each other. Speaking of Brian being aware, he turned around from the sandwich making pose he was in before, taking a moment to sink in the situation, Toby starring at Tim like he was looking at Jesus himself. Brian couldn’t help but smirk at this, scuttling over to Toby with sandwich in hand, he leaned in closer to Toby, his face nearly inches away from the side of the goggled boys cheek. “Meet me in the bathroom..” he whispered, purposely making it sound ...Sexual? Threatening? Somewhere in between sexy and scary. As soon as he said that Tim whipped his head around, almost like he was jealous, which was Hoodie’s plan. Tim quickly forced himself to look back at his now empty plate of ‘changas, subtly brushing his dark brown bangs in front of his face to cover his shame.

But either way, Brian’s plan worked, and Tim was now feeling envy boiling in his gut. Though he hated feeling this way over someone who caused him so much frustration, he somehow couldn't help it. But he did manage to hide it well, and if he had to continue acting like he hates Toby for the next 10+ years he was perfectly prepared to do so. Tim was the final boss of bottling up his feelings, he could be told his own child had died in a horrific car accident and he would stand there completely blank faced and say he didn't care. Was this a healthy thing to be doing? Absolutely not. Has this destroyed his ability to be happy and caused him to start having agonizing headaches? You know it. Does he plan on stopping anytime soon? Nope. Anywho, Brian had already taken his salad and wandered out of the kitchen, leaving Tobias awkwardly standing there and rubbing his cheek, like Hoodie’s breath had left some sort of mark there. Tim wanted to look over at Toby to see if he was intrigued or disgusted, but kept his head down pointed at the table. He eventually sighed and decided it was about time to put his plate in the sink. He hastily picked up the plate and shuffled over to the sink, pushing past Toby and avoiding eye contact. Tobias almost let out a noise when Tim’s shoulder brushed his. He was unaware if this was because it was...Pleasurable, or something like that, probably just because he was just starved of physical contact. When Tim was done rinsing his plate he hurried out of the kitchen and locked himself in a separate room off of the living room, the utility closet, actually. He spent most days in there to escape Toby’s wrath. And yes, that was an in the closet joke. Do you have a problem with it?

Tobias stood there, fidgeting. His head spun a bit, his mouth dry. He could almost feel his heart starting to thump a bit faster. He had no idea when or how he caught these feelings for Tim, nor would he accept it unless it was shoved in his face, which so far it hasn't been. He was also pretty worried about what possible serious business Hoodie could be wanting to speak to him about in a damn bathroom. But because he was god awful at decision making, he was going to go.

Word Count: 1800 :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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