A Cinnamon Roll and 90's Nightmare

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"Here's what's gonna happen. I'm gonna go take a nap, you're gonna stay and, heh, hang around.  Afterwards, I'll come back, finish the job, get rid of the rest of these anomalies, and bam. Everything's finished and I don't have to deal with this shit ever again!"

Uh huh, right. If Error really expects Ink to just be okay with that and not try to escape, he's got another thing coming. The artist struggled to reach a bony hand into his jacket pocket,but soon succeeded and pulled out a brush. With a single swipe, the paint acted as a blade and cut the strings right off. Ink rubbed at a few sore spots on his bones, which had left a couple noticable marks, as well torn a tiny bit of his clothes. It was no big deal, considering all it would take is a few  strokes of paint to fix the clothes and probably a day or two for the injuries to heal. Ink grabbed ahold of his large paintbrush and formed a portal to Underswap, landing softly on two feet and made his way to the Swapped bone brother's house. He made sure to grab the vial which allowed him to feel happiness, drinking a small amount.
His feet made soft taps as he walked up the stone steps and knocked on the door gently a few times. Knock knock. He waited a few seconds before hearing the doorknob jingle and turn, only to be greeted by a version of himself that had the personality of Papyrus, as well as his fashion sense.
"HELLO INK!" the skeleton piped,clearly happy.
Ink smiled at the other before speaking. "Hey, Blue! Mind me coming in?" Blue, as Ink called him, nodded frantically, stepping aside to let him in.
The blue star-eyed skeleton examined Ink's form, blinking a few times as worry overtook his face. "INK... YOU LOOK UM, A LITTLE... rough? Did something happen?" He asked,
his normally loud tone quieting down. Ink was pretty shocked actually. It was exceedingly rare for Blue to speak with an inside-voice. He attempted to shrug it off.
"Yeah, actually, um.. I found Error destroying another au again. He ended up hurting me pretty badly, but I managed to escape," Ink said, rubbing his arm as he finished
the sentence with "The bonehead took a nap, so he probably still thinks I'm there..."
Blue frowned. "Oh... WELL LET'S FIX YOU UP THEN!" He squeaked out, bolting out of the room before quickly returning with a first aid kit. Ink laughed awkwardly, eyelights
changing shapes. "Blue, it isn't really necessary, it's just-"
Error yawned as he stretched out his body, rubbing his sockets with the palm of his bony hand. He swinged his body around, feet hitting the ground, which made a loud echo throughout the endless void. Time for him to finish this bullshit Ink started. The dark skeleton snapped his fingers, teleporting to where he left Ink, only for his sockets to widen.
He escaped... He fucking escaped. Error growled and slammed a foot onto the floor, "DAMMIT!" he screamed, voice glitching in anger. He was so close. So utterly close...
If it wasn't for his laziness, that damn glitch would be gone! Error growled, snapping his fingers once again to summon a portal to the Doodleverse to see if he could  come across the artist's location. He just hoped he wouldn't come across- "Hey, broseph!" Son of a bitch.
Error let out an annoyed sigh. "What do you want,you dang abomination?" he huffed, question sounding more like a statement. As if on cue, Fresh was right next to Error, one hand
shoved into a pocket while the other held onto his brightly colored Kid Cuisine Furby. "Whoa bro, take a chill pill! Jus' saw you was here and felt like droppin' by to see how my rad bro-tato chip was doin'," the 90's fever dream chuckled, taking his pocketed hand out to stroke the robot in his arms. "I was fine until you showed up. Leave me the funk alone," Error snapped, cringing as his words were censored. Fresh rolled his eyelights, glasses saying "DANG DUDE". He shrugged, turning around
to walk off. "Welp, I was gonna tell you where my rainbro Ink was, but if you want me to leave you alone~" Fresh hummed, Error instantly replying. "W-Wait. You know where Ink is?! Where's he at?" The brightly colored skeleton grinned. "Geez, bro. You responded real quick! Ya sound like an owner tryin' to find their lost puppy!" Error narrowed his eyesockets.
"Just shut up and tell me where he's at."

"Underswap. Said he was gonna hang out with Blue."

"...Why are you telling me this? I thought you were 'rad friends' or something stupid like that."

Fresh shrugged and thought for a second. "Error, you know I can't really feel emotions either, yah? Main reason I'm tellin' you is because I wanna see this all play out. Sounds interestin'"

Error's eyelights dotted from left to right before soon stopping as a smirk crept onto his face, letting out a soft chuckle. "God... You're funked up like him.
Whatever. I'm going. Seeya, parasite."

Before Fresh could respond, Error was gone and after Ink again. Error couldn't understand why he was so obsessed with the artist. I mean, he knew he wanted him gone,
but it was so... strange? Is that the right word? He didn't know. It got to the point he couldn't really relax, his thoughts being clouded with the other. He couldn't...
like Ink, right?
Heh, yeah ok that sounded fucking stupid... right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2019 ⏰

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