The boy who tried to win

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A small laugh could be heard coming from Robins mouth, he smiled softly and nodded. "Yeah, my names Robin." He winked at Mark and grinned, Robin got easily amused, and this male standing in front of him in the middle of the town, most definitely amused him. He never really understood why he got amused by people like this, but he just was.

Mark's small coat of blush deepened as he saw Robin wink at him, he wasn't physically prepared, he was ment to be the one flirting, but it really didn't seem like that was going well for him. "Well then, Robin. As you know, im Mark." He took his phone out and went onto his contacts, smiling cheekily. "And what's your number, mister mystery?" He glanced up at Robin who had his hands in his pockets and was biting his lip to hold back a laugh.

The boy held his hand out for Marks phone and once it was set gently in his hand he tapped his number in and named the contact, 'The boy who tried'. Robin handed Marks phone back and winked yet again before turning and walking away.

"The boy who tried.." Marks words trailed of his lips as he looked up from his phone, a smirk playing on his lips. "The boy who tried, to win."


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