The Spirit of the Lotus in my Soul

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I was conceived in a dark place.
Accidentally forged in a plethora of ice cold crystal thoughts steeped in blood red wine, the roots of my disgusting juvenile habitat.
Abandonment, hate, jealousy, predatory abuse, all giving texture to the tainted sediment of my growth.
I, a small leaf sprouted in a mound of dangerously infected soil under a deep sea of judgement, addiction, sadness, false hope, abuse, discouragement and sabotage, I, the small leaf, had a destiny.
I understand that I was never supposed to see the true hope of sunlight screaming through the painful murky water right outside the comfort of my pessimistic solitude.
I grew so close to the claws of control that formed my own opinion of myself that I faltered and held belief in their words, constantly gnawing at my soul until all I knew was pain.
Pain, fear and guilt, the deadly concoction that fueled my growth towards the beautiful new beginning so far above my comfortable life of shame.
I, a frail, infected flower bud under the weight of a thousand malicious lies, I was growing.
I flourished in the despicable torture of my only nutrients, fighting until weakness took me to my knees.
The stomach curling sabotage of my pistil and stamen being the predators that visit me in the brutal darkness of night, their exploitation being the only chains keeping me planted so firm through the agonizing fight to thrive.
Every time I started to ripen more torment arises and attempts to equalize me into their domain.
Until the fatality of their domination finally crippled their efforts enough for the small seedling to persevere.
I, the brittle and decrepit lotus bud under the rock solid sentiment seeking to tarnish my entity and tatter my existence until I became nothing, I was blooming.
The barely open lotus floating towards the luxurious brightness, in the vile, repulsive surf, that was me.
Prospering from the devastatingly wretched familiarity of the grime that produced me, I evolved into a breathtakingly elegant lotus flower.
Floating freely across the calumniating waters I escaped from, until the breath of new life and all its glory swept me away through the ever-weaving serenity of sailing on each gust of wind to pass me by.
On the solemn day when petals of my angelic blossom begin to dry up and fall away, I will be in an incomparable standing with my essence. I will have liberated my descendants from the succession of the cruel, carcinogens known as our predecessors, I will have healed and salvaged my true being, I will vanish in complete harmony.
Me, I am the mutilated soul illustrated here by the story of a flowering lotus with tarnished hope, unforgettable misery, reams of unbelievable experiences and an astronomical desire to persevere through the catastrophe of her shambled life, I struggled through every waking minute of my childhood to become who I am now, to overcome what will challenge me next and to be able to speak the following statement of my truth with full conviction and authenticity.
"I, the once broken, abused and tattered child have grown to know peace, love, unity and respect far beyond my minuscule collection of original beliefs and I will not let the cycle of torment continue through me. Fore I am free of all shackles and bonds tying me to the person I previously thought I was and the destiny that awaited my ghost." - Sunshyne Lucero (2017)
The next part is some background on the story and it's origin. Feel free to read and leave any questions or comments.

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