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If got late but you had to use the bathroom. You handed Steve your flash light and said you would be right back.
"But what if the thing comes?!?" He said. You shrugged as you where climbing down.
"You have two flashlights, I'm sure you can handle it." You said as you reached the floor. You opened the door and went into the bathroom and did your business and walked out the room but Dustin stopped you.
"Hey, do you like steve?" He asked. You put a shocked look on your face.
"What? No..?" You rubbed your neck.
"Please tell me, I won't snitch!" He smiled, showing his missing teeth. You sighed.
"Ok.. I do." You said and his face lit up.
"Oh my gosh!" He squealed. You laughed and went outside and heard steve yelling. You ran up the ladder but something hard but slimy grabbed onto your leg. You pulled it back but it tugged.
"STEVE HELP!" You wailed and turned around to see a demogorgon pulling at your leg. You saw his face peak over and then saw him climb down the ladder a bit. He grabbed his bat, retracted it then smacked it into its face, the hand was no longer on you so you went up the ladder.
"Go go!" You yelled at Steve who was blocking the way up. He crawled up and pulled you onto his lap, you pulled him into you and he held you while you hugged him crying, you cried for at least 2 minutes straight until you pulled away.
"Thanks.." you sniffle. Then you heard the screen door creak open, it was max.
"Cmon love birds!" She called, "we're moving to a new location, the lab!" She yelled and you both crawled back down and went into the van. Johnathan was driving, but he was also arguing with Nancy under everyone else's chatter but you where listening in.
They where talking about how Nancy didn't love John, and John didn't love nancy, but then Nancy whispered, "your probably in love with sunny!" Then Jonathan whispered  ," I wouldn't be surprised if you love Steve." But then from the back of the car, Dustin yelled, "that's not true because Sunny loves Steve and Steve loves Sunny!" After he finished he covered his mouth, eyes wide. You looked at Steve, you where both blushing. You gave Dustin a death glare. he mouthed 'sorry' but you flicked him off, you knew you didn't mean it though.
You finally reached the lab, you and steve had to go to the roof to guard, the gave you both a walkie talkie.

You both sat there, watching the front entrance, they didn't need to worry about demodogs and stuff, they had it under control.
You leaned back into your chair and turn your head to catch steve starring, which you did. He turned his head back quick.
"Ya" he turned back to look at you.
"I-" you didn't know if you could say it, what if he didn't love you back-
"I love you too.." he said, making you smile. He leaned close to you and pressed his lips to yours~

Steve Harrington x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora