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A few hours later after we ate lunch we all sorta hung out with other people. Lilly and Biana boy loved fashion, makeup, and other girl things. Ariana took Fitz on a run because she was apparently the athletic type. So I was left with Jack. Jack and I went to Calla's tree and sat under it. We started the conversation off causal until he started to make some flirty moves. It personally didn't really work because I belonged to Fitz. I transmitted to him because I thought he might try to control me since he's a Mesmer.

"Hey Fitz.....I have something to tell you..." I said

"Hey! Ya what's up?" Fitz responded

"Jack is a Mesmer and he's trying to flirt with me, I'm not giving in but I don't want him to manipulate me." I said back in a scared tone.

"Don't worry I'll be over as soon as I can givme 3 minutes...your under Calla's tree right?" Fitz questioned.

"Yeah but plz hurry he can do it any second now if I don't give in...." I replied

The transmissions cut off and Jack said "hey sooooo do you wanna do anything?" Trying to seduce me.

"I don't know" I said quietly looking down at my feet. He reminded me so much of Fitz, well duh he was his twin. But their personalities were just too different. He started reaching for my temples... (A/N: let's just pretend that's how mesmers control you:) Oh no. I thought to myself he's trying to get me under his control. It's pretty obvious he likes me and just because I like Fitz he thinks I'll dump him for someone who looks like him. Jack didn't have the same glow in his teal eyes like Fitz did.

ARIANA IS NOT A MESMER BUT SHES BEING ALL FLIRTY....ewwwwwww.......wait WHAT?!?!?! Oh no he didn't I'm coming right now!

Fitz was too late. Jack put his fingers on Sophie's temples. She immediately started making out with Jack it didn't go very far because Fitz came running up. "Jack what are you doing with my girlfriend?!?!?!" Fitz asked. "Fitz what are you talking about? Jack's mine." Sophie said with a grin.

Fitz's Point of View
Omg noooooo!!!! This can't be happening. That hurt like a knife going through my heart. Sophie's word kept ringing in my head "Fitz what are you talking about? Jack's mine." OOF the stings. What do I do? What do I do?!?! I started yelling at Jack! Sophie tried to calm me down but she knew that I was mad so she stayed silent after a few tries. I COULD NOT BELIEVE JACK WOULD DO THIS TO ME! Right then Ariana came to me and kissed me on the lips saying that she's there and everything's going to be ok. I didn't like her but for some reason I wanted to kiss her back...for payback. NO No nO nO! I couldn't do that to Sophie. I pulled away from her and started screaming/transmitting to Sophie!


"Wait what!!!! Who's the Mesmer what am I doing?" Sophie asked

"JACK!" I screamed

"Oh Fitz no I'm not stop being silly he's my boyfriend." Sophie reasoned back sounding like everything was ok.

Ow that hurt really bad. I was on the verge of tears I couldn't have just lost the most amazing person ever.

"Please Sophie! You have to come back for me! Your being controlled by Jack! Look Sophie Foster your the most amazing person I've ever met! You have to break yourself out of his manipulation!" I said in a panicked voice.

She stayed silent so I thought real hard on how to bring her back. moments later........ I GOT IT! This had to work.

"COGNATE!" I screamed
"Sophie you have to come back for me, your my cognate, my best friend, my most loyal supporter, my girlfriend, and overall the best human being in the world and the love of my life!" I hoped this was enough because I couldn't possibly think of more and I couldn't possibly stand her and Jack making out anymore. I walked up to her and Jack. I punched Jack in the face and started shaking Sophie rapidly. When Sophie just stood there staring into space probably thinking about what I told her......I kissed her. Straight on the lips making out like there was no tomorrow. Sophie..........

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